Welcome to my world: First Simmons, now Bello (double dropped from 19 to 17 IS, earlier this season, just before the B3 knockout stage). I've never hated a player more.
4/22/2016 Franck Gillet ↓dropped↓ in Jump Range from wondrous to prolific.... and I've had a Career Extension guy since S33.
My best guess is a bad eye injury. Depth perception's a no-go when you've gotta wear an eye patch!
My best guess is a bad eye injury. Depth perception's a no-go when you've gotta wear an eye patch!Well, that explains why fans have been making fun of him for screaming out Arrrrr! after every missed 3-point attempt 8}
Gotta love the dad jokes
That was probably around the time that Soto double dropped in Inside Shot from 17 to 15. I've always wondered if players across the game drop in the same skills each week.
If you let me win in the first round I promise I will beat A-Dub for you.