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Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

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275697.457 in reply to 275697.456
Date: 1/18/2017 4:42:26 PM
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This idea has been pitched by the community for like 5 years. I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Whatever money is made from this game needs to be allocated to outsourcing the making of an app for this game.

From: Melo9

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275697.459 in reply to 275697.458
Date: 1/18/2017 5:04:14 PM
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Mobile applications (if the job is well done) are used for that matter. Simple interfaces, big menus, and super user friendly. I guess your using some bad apps

Take as example 2 other games similar to BB, but football: Hattrick and XpertEleven. They are super cool, modern and easy to use.

And I agree with the affirmation before. Mobile App is the best next move to do, to bring more users.

From: lvess

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275697.460 in reply to 275697.455
Date: 1/18/2017 10:44:17 PM
Delaware 87ers
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Between my phone and tablet I can get the same buzzerbeater experience I get on my laptop (including watching games using the Dolphin browser).

I have the site bookmarked in all three devices and Chrome autofills the login and password. No problems.

Yes zooming in to click on the menus on my phone is annoying but not a deal breaker to me.

Overall mobile user experience for me? 3 on my phone (dolphin doesn't work on it) and 5 on my tablet. Both are Android.

Would an app help? That depends on what exactly you want it to help with.

Making it easier to watch matches without using Dolphin/Puffin or some other browser?

Bringing in more new users?

Retaining those new users?

The basic problem is that the app would still direct people to a game that is a slow moving, long-term type game. Without changing the user experience the only thing an app might accomplish is turning over more new teams in to bots every 6 weeks.

Don't mistake these comments for not supporting developing an app. It is a good idea. However, lets be realistic with expectations from it. It's probably not the silver bullet to magically turn around the overall buzzerbeater experience.

From: Melo9

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275697.462 in reply to 275697.461
Date: 1/19/2017 5:39:26 AM
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"Since you seem to play HT maybe you can tell how much their user base has gone up since the introduction of their app?"

Well, that is actually a good question. When my friends told me there was an app, I actually rejoined the game. But I eventually got tired of it, mostly because I already play BB and it takes me some time.
But I feel like a simple and friendly app would make BB look better and attract some more people still.

From: Knecht

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275697.463 in reply to 275697.461
Date: 1/19/2017 7:13:16 AM
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What´s the reason for your recent "no, no, no attitude"?

There are valid reasons, why an app should have been introduced long ago - even if an app was availiable, you could still use your browser on your phone.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: Pollock

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275697.464 in reply to 275697.463
Date: 1/19/2017 9:29:42 AM
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It sucks playing bb on smartphone without an app!


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275697.465 in reply to 275697.454
Date: 1/19/2017 10:37:24 AM
Vitoria Deluxe
Liga Nacional
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Second Team:
Basket Setubal
I do probably 90% of my time here on BB from my smartphone and can't say I have any problems at all with it.

you prefer mobile browser but the majority would go for BB app for sure.
I agree would be a good improvement, as said before, specially for the new generation.

I play 95% of the time on my Desktop.

This Post:
275697.466 in reply to 275697.454
Date: 1/19/2017 8:24:04 PM
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I do probably 90% of my time here on BB from my smartphone and can't say I have any problems at all with it.

I probably do 90% of my BB from my phone as well. I've never had a problem.
The only time I really need to be at my computer is when I'm logging pops and drops into my roster spreadsheets in Excel.

All that said, a good app would be easier to see than going to the website on my phone (even though I've become pretty good at hitting the menu options on the first try without zooming in somehow), but it would need to have all the same functionality to be viable.
