I like the 2nd team.
I know coding and the fixed platform of basic program structure are very hard to modify quickly and CORRECTLY so I applaud your quick reaction and implementation of a 2nd team into the existing framework of Buzzer Beater.
That said I only have two major suggestions.
1. Please reconsider merging Utopian players with existing world players. Among many other factors, the lack of an initial large transfer market in Utopia would encourage player development. Keep Utopia players in he Utopia world.
2. Please consider implementing a draft which is not based on league standing. Much like the NBA is considering, every team would get 1st round pick once every 16 seasons - since 16 team leagues. Etc for 2nd, 3rd round and so on. It would limit tanking.
Since all teams get equal access to players, group drafts by the pick different managers have - 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc go into one draft pool instead of pooling all managers together in their division. Also, merge all human managers together in the draft pools and bots would draft in their own pools.