Koop, are you still going to setup the Hell league?
Can someone (Yoda, Trikster, Koops etc) confirm this is right:
League name: Amaurot Amulet: HEAVEN (Season 1)
Number of teams: 8
Games against each team: 1 (neutral site)
Number of playoff teams: 4
Game time: Friday 09:00 CET.
Koops, yours will be the same except 12 teams instead of 8...
Of course, with only 8 teams in Heaven this PL will run quicker than Hell league...unless we want to change this but no matter what we do we wont be able to make them run parallel unless we start Heaven a couple weeks (??) later than when Hell kicks off...which I'd rather not do. OR..3 games each for HEaven and 2 each for Hell...but that's 24 games! Too long!
EDIT: I have added direct page links (at start of this thread) next to second teams for peeps convenience. This should make it easier for you, Koops, when inviting teams too...
Last edited by Mr J at 4/6/2014 8:30:32 AM