The game must change. Training must be much ...
Drafts are almost useless they way the are right now ...
My suggestions
1. [drafts]
2. More starting money to new registered players ...
3.PR managers ...
4. Fan survey ...
I agree with some of that:
Training must be much more logical.
1. Actually, I like the drafts. Picking 8th and 13th in two of the last three seasons, against human managers, I got Hall of Fame potential guys. No complaints there, just do your scouting logically.
2. Too much money in the game already, and it is a serious problem. Inflation is out of control on the transfer market, leading to day trading and making the cost of players wildly out of proportion to their value to a basketball team. Marin says it has to be that way to reward managers who train and then sell kids. I hope he soon realizes that it is training that is too expensive, and if that were corrected then there wouldn't need to be sky high prices for trained young guys.
3. PR managers probably need some work.
4. Fan surveys probably need some work.