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278844.47 in reply to 278844.46
Date: 3/1/2020 3:36:37 AM
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New payment option: Stripe

Following the demise of our backup payment option (SuperRewards) and the fact that PayPal no longer works in all countries (Turkey, for example), we've added another payment option: Stripe!

Stripe allows for fast and secure payments while offering a wide variety of options, including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/2/4 下午 06:43:35

This Post:
278844.48 in reply to 278844.47
Date: 6/6/2020 3:54:05 AM
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歡迎來到賽季 49!


賽季48的B3冠軍盃賽由darkonako所帶領的Folgado Lakers奪得優勝!儘管這是這支球隊的第一座B3冠軍盃賽獎盃,但是這可是這位經理所收藏的第二座!Darkonako在幾季前率領了他的烏托邦聯賽隊伍奪下了B3冠軍盃賽優勝。帶領著不同的兩支隊伍奪下優勝可是個很不容易的成就。他充分發揮了他的耐心,完整地做了非常多的賽前準備,讓他能夠以非常舒服的比數,102 - 85,擊敗了Młoty Stargard領軍的darkonza。

B3競猜前三名分別如下:第一名是來自土耳其的Captain K,第二名是來自西班牙的R&R,而第三名是來自立陶宛的 KeyDy以及來自伊朗的LA-Ali LP。免費的支持者禮包已經送給了優勝者們的手中,恭喜他們!



發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/3/2 下午 07:45:56

Welcome to Season 49!

While we’re still working on our app, we’ve had to spend an ever increasing amount of time on BB maintenance. This was caused by some technical issues that we experienced last season (and during the offseason). These kinds of problems are hard to figure out, unpredictable and measures will be taken to revamp the site backend during the next offseason. At that time we will be forced to take the site down for a day (hopefully) or a couple days (probably). During the downtime, we will keep you updated on any developments via our social media.

The season 48 B3 tournament was won by darkonako, the manager of Folgado Lakers. While this is the first B3 win for the team, it is, however, a second one for the manager! Darkonako won it with his Utopia team a couple of seasons ago. Quite an achievement to do it with both. His use of a patient strategy paired with good game preparation paid off in the final match, giving him a comfortable 102 - 85 win over Młoty Stargard of darkonza.

The B3 prediction contest winners are: Captain K from Turkey in the first place, followed by R&R from Spain and, sharing third place are KeyDy from Lithuania and LA-Ali LP from Iran. Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, congratulations!

The World Championship was won by Spain again, coached by kikeflori. The unlucky opponent was China, coached by LA-豹). It didn’t look good for Spain in the first half, as China had nice lead, but in the third quarter, they turned it around completely, ending the match 96-91. This season the U21 National Team championships will be held in Venezuela.

Best of luck in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 3/2/2020 7:45:56 PM

Last edited by little Guest at 6/6/2020 4:58:37 AM

This Post:
278844.49 in reply to 278844.48
Date: 6/6/2020 3:55:44 AM
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*重要* - 休賽季期間伺服器暫停服務計劃




發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/5/24 下午 03:20:35

IMPORTANT - Planned server downtime during the offseason

As announced, during the next offseason we will have at least a day and maybe even a couple days of full site downtime. There is even a possibility of pushing the BB schedule back a week to accommodate for lost time if the downtime takes longer than the acceptable period. We will be updating our Facebook page and our temporary "BB is down" page with more detailed info as the situation develops.

The reason for the downtime is that we are migrating our servers to a more modern setup. The goal is to improve website security, stability and speed.

There is a slight chance of unknown issues that might prevent the migration and deem the downtime unnecessary, but, if that happens, you will also be notified and the offseason will be carried out as usual.

Posted by: BB-Marin 5/24/2020 3:20:35 PM

Last edited by little Guest at 6/6/2020 4:58:57 AM

This Post:
278844.50 in reply to 278844.49
Date: 9/13/2020 2:29:36 AM
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歡迎來到賽季 50:黃金週年慶!





很多經理有發現我們在社群網站上變得更活躍了。這一切都歸功於我們新任的首席公關經理,新上任的BB-Will!Will在這之前是美國的GM,叫做Trust The Process,他已經證明了他在玩家社群及開發者社群間是個非常好的溝通橋樑,他目前主要的工作項目是管理Facebook及Twitter頁面。歡迎BB-Will!

接下來的例行公事就是總結上一個賽季的比賽結果。B3冠軍盃賽的優勝者是一位首次嘗到美好滋味的征服者─來自荷蘭的south dragons!LA-Cowstreet擊敗了來自中國的老梅帶領的普陀大鲨鱼。這場比賽經過了兩個激烈的半場:上半場由中國隊伍以46 - 40領先,但最終是由荷蘭隊伍以80 - 94的比數逆轉了戰局。有趣的是,兩隊的球衣設計是一模一樣的,去看看怎麼回事吧:)

我們的B3競猜優勝者獎勵已經送達下列的幸運兒手中了:一年支持者將會給予來自馬來西亞的Westri,來自義大利的gianloco以及來自菲律賓的tobio還有來自立陶宛的Dr. Drow。恭喜幸運的優勝者!

賽季49的U21世界錦標賽由以色列取得冠軍!Alonso演出了一場神奇的逆轉贏過了toshii率領的波蘭,儘管碰到了對方的3-2聯防,並且還預測錯了對手的進攻節奏,他們仍然以81 - 83的比數在這場高強度的比賽中獲勝,這真是太驚人了!或者我們可以說這真是太幸運了?



發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/6/6 上午 03:26:00

This Post:
278844.51 in reply to 278844.50
Date: 9/13/2020 2:30:47 AM
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Welcome to Season 50: a Golden Anniversary!

After what amounted to just 24 hours of downtime on Monday, the BB team is proud to say that the server migration is successfully completed! Most of our users have already experienced, at least during some periods, just how much faster the new server is. Not to mention the fact that the first training for the season has been calculated at least 10 times faster than usual and that really makes us optimistic. Now, there’s still stuff to do, some aspects to fix (the ingame chat, most notably) and processes to optimize, but all in all we can surely be proud of a successful migration!

The usual million dollar question is still here: when will we have a BB app? It’s true, the development of the app has been put on hold lately, but that’s about to change now, as there are finally some really good foundations which can support it. Expect more news about the app in the next few months!

Some of our users have been very worried about the fact that some major browsers will no longer support Flash, making our match viewer inoperable! Of course, we will develop a suitable replacement on time (before the end of the year) and make sure one of the most important facets of BB are still available for your viewing pleasure.

There is talk about the inside oriented tactics still being overpowered due to various reasons. Yes, this too will be addressed before next offseason as inside oriented tactics should result in more blocks, loose balls and turnovers. It seems like the BB overall shooting percentages are trailing after what the numbers are in real life, so we might try to remedy that too. During development, the new game engine will be tested in scrimmages and private leagues' matches.

Most of our managers already noticed that BB has become much more active on our social media pages. This is due to our new chief communications officer, the newly promoted BB-Will! Will was, until recently, a US based GM called Trust The Process and has already proven to be a very good link between the community and the developers, on top of what he’s doing with the FB and Twitter pages. Welcome BB-Will!

On to the usual recap of the last last season's competitions. The BuzzerBeater’s Best has been won by a first time conqueror - south dragons from the Netherlands! Manager LA-Cowstreet beat manager 老梅 of team 普陀大鲨鱼 from China in a final of two halves: the first one was lead 46 - 40 by the Chinese team, only to be turned around in the second half ending 80 - 94 for the Dutch team. Interestingly, both teams have the same jersey designs. Go figure

Our awards for the B3 predictions contest have already been handed out: one year Supporter goes to Westri from Malaysia, followed by gianloco from Italy with tobio from the Philippines and Dr. Drow from Lietuva sharing third place. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

The season 49 U21 National Team Championship was won by Israel! Manager Alonso managed to magically overcome the fact that manager toshii from Poland anticipated his outside based offense with a 3-2 zone defense while missing the GDP offence focus and still prevailed in a extremely tightly contested game 81 - 83! Incredible! Or extremely lucky?

The next NT championship will be held in the basketball crazed nation of the Philippines!

We wish all of you a great season, no injuries and many, many wins!

Posted by: BB-Marin 6/6/2020 3:26:00 AM

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278844.52 in reply to 278844.51
Date: 9/13/2020 2:31:26 AM
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New website subdomain

Due to the issues with server downtime, we have decided to enable another, separate, subdomain for access in cases when the main domain is offline. The new domain is and it should help us battle these unexpected and hard to fix issues that rendered our site unstable since the migration to our new server.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/6/27 上午 12:02:10

This Post:
278844.53 in reply to 278844.52
Date: 9/13/2020 2:32:02 AM
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Planned downtime - Friday 10th of July

Due to needed maintenance of our new server, we will need to take both our primary and secondary sites offline at 2PM CET (8AM EST) on Friday the 10th of July 2020.

Transfers will be delayed beforehand for 3 hours, even though we expect the downtime not to last longer than one hour. In case the downtime extends due to unforeseen issues (we've seen a lot of these in the past), we'll delay further transfers and will keep you updated via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/7/9 下午 04:48:47

This Post:
278844.54 in reply to 278844.53
Date: 9/13/2020 2:32:33 AM
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Planned downtime - Sunday 12th of July

Due to additional maintenance on our new server, we will need to take both our primary and secondary sites offline at 10AM CET (4AM EST) on Sunday the 12th of July 2020.

Transfers will be delayed beforehand for 2 hours, even though we expect the downtime not to last longer than a couple of minutes. In case the downtime extends due to unforeseen issues (we've seen a lot of these in the past), we'll delay further transfers and will keep you updated via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/7/11 下午 06:05:14

This Post:
278844.55 in reply to 278844.54
Date: 12/20/2020 1:48:34 AM
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歡迎來到賽季 51!

這個賽季我們將會有一些有趣的事物你們應該會喜歡的:與主要開發者BB-Marin的問答活動。各位可以在我們的FB專頁查看其他人提的問題,並且貼上自己想要詢問的問題。問題將會在累積了一定數量之後在論壇的BB Global (English)區塊中開啟一個新的帖子一次回答。另外BB手機應用程式及比賽畫面也會在那一起討論。


賽季50的B3冠軍盃賽由Misagh所率領的Venomous Scorpions所奪下,這是他繼賽季16及賽季24之後所拿下的第三座金盃!耐心及毅力就是他的代名詞!他的五核表演了一場精彩的大逆轉並且以104 - 96的比數擊敗了由darkonza領軍的 Młoty Stargard。




發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/9/12 下午 10:35:43

Welcome to Season 51!

This season we’re bringing back something that you all liked: Q&A with our main developer, BB-Marin. Feel free to check out the questions already asked and post your own on our FB page. A selection of posted questions will be answered in a new forum thread in BB Global soon. Both the BB App and the matchviewer will be discussed there too.

The new game engine upgrade was not tested last season like it was announced, but that will be done this season, starting this Thursday. Note that the new engine might be tuned during the season and the effects might vary.

Season 50 B3 tournament was won by Venomous Scorpions, managed by Misagh, for the third time! First two wins were in seasons 16 and 24. Talk about patience and perseverance! His atomic 5 staged quite a comeback and won the final game 104 - 96 over Młoty Stargard of darkonza.

Season 50 B3 prediction contest winners are: RULL from Venezuela at the top, followed by Blusa from England andFD from Taiwan. Sharing third place are jtot from Spain and LA-Cowstreet from the Nederlands. Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, congratulations!

The World Championship was won by China, led by augus over Lithuania, coached by kozlik4) who risked it all with Game Day Prep but - missed. The match ended 109-84. This season the U21 National Team championships will be held in Slovenia.

May the basketball gods shine their luck on you!

Posted by: BB-Marin 9/12/2020 10:35:43 PM

Last edited by little Guest at 12/20/2020 2:14:52 AM

This Post:
278844.56 in reply to 278844.55
Date: 12/20/2020 1:52:54 AM
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Planned downtime - Monday 5th of October

Server maintenance is planned for Monday morning so the server will be taken offline for less than an hour (if everything goes as planned). The exact time is still unknown but it is planned for between 10AM and 1PM CET. Note that most early NT matches have been postponed, as will be the transfers.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/10/1 下午 11:52:12

Planned downtime -postponed from Monday to Friday 9th of October

We are postponing today's (Monday) maintenance to Friday afternoon (between 12PM and 16PM CET). Thank you!

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/10/5 下午 09:43:18

Last edited by little Guest at 12/20/2020 1:53:56 AM

This Post:
278844.57 in reply to 278844.56
Date: 3/27/2021 4:47:15 AM
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歡迎來到賽季 52: 生命(三分球?)之樹


上一季與 BB-Marin的問與答已經發布,我們希望這帖子能可以為您,以及全Buzzerbeater社區的玩家,帶來更多不同種類的說明及解答。(307591.1)

新的遊戲引擎終於到來!我們尚未在所有比賽中使用它,但於下星期六(12月26日)就會在所有比賽中使用! 我們已經在上季成功測試新引擎,它將會為我們比賽世界帶來新平衡,外線! 3分雨!

第51季的比賽結果也出爐了,由drama7率領的Sant Mateu繼30季前再次成為全球冠軍!由老梅執教的普陀大鲨鱼在決賽被擊敗,比分為92-78,似乎5人上場大名單對7人大名單有很大的不確定性。


賽季51的B3競猜第一名是來自日本的キャプテン, 而第二名來自西班牙的iavitxu, 第三名是來自塞爾維亞的玩家alen。我們希望優勝者們能開心享用免費的支持者包裹!



發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/12/20 上午 02:50:36

Welcome to Season 52: The Three of Life

Right to one of the points hinted in the title: the BuzzerBeater Biology Research Department determined that due to medical advancements basketball, players are getting more resilient to aging effects. This is an important finding, and has been reflected by upping the age of skill deterioration by one. In the future, we might see it being raised even more…

The Q&A with BB-Marin we announced last season has now been posted here. We hope the answers will shed more light on a broad range of inquiries and issues that you, our users, have been wondering about.(307591.1)

The new game engine upgrade is upon us! We have not implemented it yet for all matches but starting next Saturday, it will be so. It was successfully tested last season and we believe it will bring balance to our BB world making those outside shots, especially Threes, rain!

We are happy to announce that the last season’s BuzzerBeater’s Best winner was Sant Mateu, managed by drama7. It is the second time that drama7 has taken the BB throne, as he did for the first time 30 seasons ago. 普陀大鲨鱼 managed by 老梅 tried a bold approach in the final game fielding only 5 players. This proved to be too big a risk as the game ended 92-78 for the 7 player roster.

This tendency towards using very short rosters is becoming more and more of a concern in BB and steps will be taken to address this starting next season. The implementation of secondary staff and arena infrastructure made stamina retention and training much easier, which had a direct effect on match tactics, which should be addressed. One approach is to make stamina a less linear and more exponential effect on player performance in matches, and a bigger factor when deciding whether a player can even endure the full 48 minutes per match, as suggested in the Q&A. It does make sense because a physical game like basketball should take more of a toll on players over time and endurance will become more of a factor as the minutes stack up. There might be other, additional measures implemented too.

The B3 prediction contest winners are manager キャプテン from Japan, followed by iavitxu from Spain, and in third place alen from Serbia. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, and we know they will enjoy them!

Italy U21 coached by Davide_12 won U21 World Championships of season 51. They beat the Israel U21 national team coached by Ido. Italy U21 had a great game opening, winning the first quarter by quite a margin and managed to defend the lead until the end 83-69. This season the National Team Championship is hosted in Israel. Who are this seasons senior NT favorites? You'll have to tune in to find out.

Best of luck in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 12/20/2020 2:50:36 AM
