First of all, thanks for reading, adding feature and answering my post! Keep up the good work!
... and there are drawbacks to adding visual padding between cells (it's cramped as it is, so it would mean less text can fit into the boxes).
Not to be picky, but my version has less horizontal padding, thus fitting more text :-)
And if you get rid of the 1px orange border, you get even more space. There is already a white border between the days.
As for fixing the days of the week, I think we'd lose most of the functionality of the calendar as the week approaches its end, so that's a no-go.
Ok, maybe I need to explain this one a bit more.
Lets say I have "Monday" as my first-day-of-week setting, so currently on a saturday I would have the following dates posted on my calendar:
MON 19 - TUE 20 - WED 21 - THU 22 - FRI 23 - SAT 17 - SUN 18 (Days are fixed, dates alter)
So the functionality will be just the same, but there is a challenge to visualize the current date, that could be done by having different fades of orange on the backgrounds. Today (SAT 17) could be a dark-orange, and every upcoming day fades so that FRI 23 has the lightest fade of orange, making a clear "break" against the SAT 17 darkest orange. "Today" could also be complemented with a border, either a thin left-border or even adding a few pixels of bottom-border to the date to make it stand out even more.
But with all this said, I'm quite happy with the calendar as it is. I don't expect to get answers and/or explainations from you or your team of developers, but if we do, it's great! I'm just letting you know my 2 cents :-)