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BB Poland > BB Rep. to Polska

BB Rep. to Polska

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From: Mike

This Post:
31229.47 in reply to 31229.46
Date: 6/7/2008 6:12:54 AM
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No, this affected all countries' cups, and the B3 tournament as well. The bug is now fixed, though.

From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.48 in reply to 31229.47
Date: 6/7/2008 6:30:26 AM
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Mike, I've got a question about scrimmages. In Rules (and 'teamDetails' --> 'challerrortime', and probably 'challerrortiment'), there is written 'You cannot challenge users to scrimmages between 12:00 Wednesday and 22:00 Friday server time...'. I'm not sure that it's 100% correct. It's rather 'boston time', not 'server time' because in Poland we can't challenge teams at, let's say, 23:00 Friday night.

From: miwman

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.49 in reply to 31229.47
Date: 6/7/2008 6:40:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
thanks, now everything is fine

From: Mike

This Post:
31229.50 in reply to 31229.48
Date: 6/7/2008 6:46:14 AM
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Our servers (the computers the run BuzzerBeater) are in Boston, so server time is Boston time. It is UTC-4 during the summer and UTC-5 during the rest of the year, though I don't think we change at exactly the same time that you do in Central Europe.

If you think it's unclear, you can adjust the Polish translation.

From: aimar

This Post:
31229.51 in reply to 31229.31
Date: 6/7/2008 7:07:07 AM
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second you'll be investigated for first two weeks:)

From: Khazaad

To: Mike
This Post:
31229.52 in reply to 31229.50
Date: 6/7/2008 7:39:48 AM
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Thanks, now it's all clear.

BTW: They don't reply yet :)

From: Mike
This Post:
31229.53 in reply to 31229.52
Date: 6/20/2008 10:51:52 PM
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Hi guys. I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use PayByCash to buy Supporter. They offer a bunch of different payment options, so we are hoping that it is now possible for everybody who wants to buy Supporter to buy Supporter.

If anyone has used PayByCash from Poland, I would love to hear how the process went, and whether there were any problems.
Cześć ludziska. Zastanawiałem się, czy ktoś już próbował zapłacić za Supportera korzystając z usług PayByCash. Muszę przyznać, że oferują wiele ciekawych form zapłaty, więc mamy nadzieję, że od teraz każdy chętny będzie mógł bezproblemowo wykupić Supportera (nie tylko posiadacze kart kredytowych).

Jeżeli jest w Polsce ktoś, kto już skorzystał z usług PayByCash, to chętnie posłuchałbym o tym, jak przebiegała procedura i czy wszystko odbyło się bez problemów, czy też jakieś się pojawiły.

Last edited by Khazaad at 6/21/2008 5:05:07 AM

From: Khazaad

This Post:
31229.54 in reply to 31229.53
Date: 9/1/2008 2:10:05 AM
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I've noticed that Poland is growing very quickly because of some of the advertising we are doing, and I wanted to ask whether there is anything that the community is asking for that we're not able to provide right now.



Zauważyłem, że polska społeczność zaczęła się dosyć szybko rozwijać dzięki akcjom reklamowym, które przeprowadzamy. Chciałbym się więc zapytać czy jest coś na czym zależałoby waszej społeczności, a czego nie udało nam się jak na razie wprowadzić.


From: Big Z

This Post:
31229.55 in reply to 31229.54
Date: 9/1/2008 3:10:43 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
polskie ogonki do nazwisk poproszę :)
Diacritical marks for polish players' names. <(31229.10)> and < (31229.11)>

Last edited by Khazaad at 9/1/2008 3:18:11 AM

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