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Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

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275697.473 in reply to 275697.470
Date: 1/22/2017 12:39:23 PM
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but in my opinion, if we have a BB apps, lot of us gonna get this BB Apps gonna appear in the ranking of mobile store (Android, Apple...)

So maybe we can get news user from that...

Thats a long guess. not to mention, not everyone has a smartphone. i know atleast 5 BB users who don't have a smart phone. they prefer the old ones which can't break :/ i personally couldn't live without a smartphone anymore (agenda, communication, ...)

That being said, since we are discussing the advantage of a BB app, just keep this in mind:

what would you prefer? BB making a BB app or the BBs working on ways to actually try to improve this game?

When i use my smartphone (one plus 3) i can open BB and access everything. sure i generally have to click twice and end up misclicking the menu i want every now and then, but the point is that it can be done. It is convenient? not really. is it slow? not really unless my internectconnection is reduced to edge instead of 4G/3G.

*) So can one play on his smartphone? yes
*)is it enjoyable experience? takes getting used to, but it's not fun to start out with, so i guess i'll angle towards a no for this question
*) is it worth to invest time and resources into potentially making an app to please part of the community, instead of investing that cash in proper adds or trying to get some visibility by sponsoring the right events? Not really.

Creating an app would be pleasing the community, which i'm not say shouldn't be considered, but in my oppinion there are more pressing issues.

And assuming we would rise in the rankings (if everyone downloads the BB app in the first week, we'll have what? 18k downloads) that doesn't get you into the top 100 worldwide for a weekly download. so it's a longshot at best

the fact is in 2017, nobody on internet is looking for Manager games...

part of you is right. what everyone wants is instant gratification. that means instant rewards or atleast seeing that you are visibly making progress. that is why some other simulation games are becoming popular. however, once people reach the top in those games, there is no variation. in BB, you can train for U21/NT's (manage them aswell) there is a B3 competition. you can try to win the league with a team full of players from your own nation, etc etc. there are many things to do and many goals to strive for. In those other games, you either get to the top very fast, or get stuck along the way, with very little alternatives. also, always going for the same title, training the same skillset, gets boring after a while. i've played plenty of other simulation games. BB is the only one which i don't get bored with after playing it for over a year (been playing it for 9 years now).

BB doesn't offer instant gratification. it requires planning (who will a train? what skills do i want on him, does he fit in my team, what team identity do i want, etc) tactical knowlege, financial management, etc. all things which aren't implemented / though out aswell as in BB.

is BB an idea game? hell no. there are many improvements that can be made. However, one needs to have the resources to do provide improvements.

So right now, the BBs have to decide what they want to focus on. in the announcement, they've put forth that they are working on attempting to solve the micronations problem. that topic alone has been a heated debate and thus requires a very carefull and delicate approach. they also could have just removed the nations with lesser users and tell the users to sign up in other countries. but i doubt that would have been well received by the community ;)

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275697.474 in reply to 275697.473
Date: 1/22/2017 1:00:23 PM
Les Galactics
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La Castilla
Im not bored about BB too, except random things...consolation tournament , injuries during playoff...

Anyway i just talk about BB Apps to get more people but Ads can be another idea.

The problem is BB Community have lot of ideas but im not sure Admins dont want to invest more money/time to develop Community and game.

Im sure some people can help admins in this way

Last edited by RealMateus at 1/22/2017 1:01:27 PM

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275697.475 in reply to 275697.472
Date: 1/22/2017 6:01:12 PM
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I have around 4,5k followers on Instagram and I have no clue what content BB could provide for this network.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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275697.476 in reply to 275697.475
Date: 1/23/2017 1:31:09 AM
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I have around 4,5k followers on Instagram and I have no clue what content BB could provide for this network.

Do you ever suggest they try Buzzerbeater?

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275697.477 in reply to 275697.476
Date: 1/23/2017 3:59:17 AM
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I have around 4,5k followers on Instagram and I have no clue what content BB could provide for this network.

Do you ever suggest they try Buzzerbeater?

No, first: thats not appealing to my target audience, second: how would I profit from that?

The TAF-bonus system is so bad, it's not even worthwhile to use it.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: Knecht

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275697.479 in reply to 275697.478
Date: 1/23/2017 7:44:29 AM
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Wouldn't everyone benefit from more users in the game? I'd gladly try to get users without any personal gain.
Guess everyone's different though.

I can only promote something, that I am supporting 100%, or unless someone pays me for doing promo. As both things are not the case - I have posted regarding the different areas I think this game needs (a) change(s) - and I won't get paid, I will not advertise. I don't feel this should make me feel guilty.

As I pay for supporter AND a second team, I assume some of those funds are perfectly used for advertising. Plus you still have the donations you are using for advertising.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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275697.480 in reply to 275697.476
Date: 1/24/2017 12:48:37 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
I have almost 9k followers on twitter
I have mentioned buzzerbeater more than once
never got a response from anyone
But it's been awhile

This Post:
275697.481 in reply to 275697.478
Date: 1/25/2017 7:44:58 AM
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I will always recommend cool things, fun things, good restaurants to people I know. What I won't do is recommend something that is outdated and TBH, not very fun. I used to go to the suggestion forum with some good ideas but after awhile, it felt like I was wasting my breath.
For example....I had a friend join and after two weeks of no pops from his training, he quit. People want to see progress, why is there no decimals on the skill levels? I told him his players were getting better, but like Trump and his 3-5 million illegal voter comment...with no proof, why believe him/me?
My friend in America joined 5 weeks ago, why did he quit?......Cup Draw....When you see bots playing bots and you draw one of the best teams in the country, you get a little fed up as he put it.
Why are the cups not seeded? It would get rid of the bots in one or two weeks. This was suggested 20 seasons ago....NO ACTION!!!
Merge the micros!!!
And the worst thing is the GMs and BBs who defend this game like the Trump surrogates defend him. You know the game is a mess, you know what needs to be fixed....But all we see on the forums from you guys is HOW GREAT THE GAME IS, HOW WE ARE DOING THINGS TO MAKE IT BETTER.......REALLY??? Actions speak louder than words...

This Post:
275697.483 in reply to 275697.482
Date: 1/25/2017 9:09:24 AM
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They have got the patience of a 6-years old child, and even if all suggestions of the forum would have been implemented they would have quit fast because of a 2 weeks injury, a bad draft or because they lost a bidwar, whatever.

Thats just random gibberish in my opinion. Get real please.

People want a game that has a flat learning curve, encourages them from the beginning and makes fun in the long term. Any idiot with experience should see, that new users go bot in masses, mostly because:

1. they get gang-raped every single game for at least 1 season
2. they cannot participate in the transfer market
3. the game looks old as fcuk - an app is long overdue
4. useful suggestions are shot down
5. many rules and restrictions limit the options of how to play the game
6. training has always been pointless and too slow - loose FA policy covered that up pretty well
7. the owners are ghosts and staff cannot give any insight on possible changes

The list can surely be extended by another 10-20 points...

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular