They have got the patience of a 6-years old child, and even if all suggestions of the forum would have been implemented they would have quit fast because of a 2 weeks injury, a bad draft or because they lost a bidwar, whatever.
Thats just random gibberish in my opinion. Get real please.
People want a game that has a flat learning curve, encourages them from the beginning and makes fun in the long term. Any idiot with experience should see, that new users go bot in masses, mostly because:
1. they get gang-raped every single game for at least 1 season
2. they cannot participate in the transfer market
3. the game looks old as fcuk - an app is long overdue
4. useful suggestions are shot down
5. many rules and restrictions limit the options of how to play the game
6. training has always been pointless and too slow - loose FA policy covered that up pretty well
7. the owners are ghosts and staff cannot give any insight on possible changes
The list can surely be extended by another 10-20 points...
Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular