Читал от одного норвежца:Date Transaction Credit Debit1/10/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 168 503 1/17/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 158 880 1/24/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 162 162 1/31/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 173 563 2/7/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 174 527 2/14/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 177 693 2/21/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 179 960 2/28/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 173 466 3/7/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 787 3/14/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 105 3/21/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 691 3/28/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 504 4/4/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 175 341 4/11/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 188 221 Mine spiked this week when I had the danish NT manager put my 5 nt players in the starting 5 in as a spoof tribute to my contribution to the NT :-) But it is very true that having players on the team does nothing. Only playing in the games gains you and advantage.Так вот он пишет, что тренер сборной решил в благодарность поставить сразу пятерых сборников норвежца в стартовый состав и торговля сразу подскочила на 13тыс. Из этого норвежец делает разумный вывод, что доход в торговлю идет только в случае, если игрок выходит на паркет. Если он греет лавку - дохода от него минимум.
Date Transaction Credit Debit1/10/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 168 503 1/17/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 158 880 1/24/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 162 162 1/31/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 173 563 2/7/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 174 527 2/14/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 177 693 2/21/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 179 960 2/28/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 173 466 3/7/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 787 3/14/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 105 3/21/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 691 3/28/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 172 504 4/4/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 175 341 4/11/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 188 221 Mine spiked this week when I had the danish NT manager put my 5 nt players in the starting 5 in as a spoof tribute to my contribution to the NT :-) But it is very true that having players on the team does nothing. Only playing in the games gains you and advantage.