Would it not be more realistic to let new owners just inherit the abandoned teams if a new owner joins in the middle of a season? It starts out by saying that new players are newly hired GMs, so why not just let them take that situation. It will decrease the number of retired players as time progresses.
Would it not be more realistic to let new owners just inherit the abandoned teams if a new owner joins in the middle of a season? It starts out by saying that new players are newly hired GMs, so why not just let them take that situation. It will decrease the number of retired players as time progresses.And what if the previous owner had sold all but 1 player for a laugh before leaving the game? The new GM would be at a massive disadvantage.
Would it not be more realistic to let new owners just inherit the abandoned teams if a new owner joins in the middle of a season? It starts out by saying that new players are newly hired GMs, so why not just let them take that situation. It will decrease the number of retired players as time progresses.And what if the previous owner had sold all but 1 player for a laugh before leaving the game? The new GM would be at a massive disadvantage. If that happened, you could give that one player to the new team and give him another 14 players that are newly created. Same process would take place if the team had less than 15 players. If the team has more than 15 players, the COM could choose the 15 players that best average out the previous GM's average DMI.Well, in this case, do the players have to be newly created? Why not take "free agent players" (the abandoned players in a separate pool) and redistribute? It will be a bit more realistic if all these players had a history of playing. I am sure there are a number of "fired"/released players that can be used in this case.
Would it not be more realistic to let new owners just inherit the abandoned teams if a new owner joins in the middle of a season? It starts out by saying that new players are newly hired GMs, so why not just let them take that situation. It will decrease the number of retired players as time progresses.And what if the previous owner had sold all but 1 player for a laugh before leaving the game? The new GM would be at a massive disadvantage. If that happened, you could give that one player to the new team and give him another 14 players that are newly created. Same process would take place if the team had less than 15 players. If the team has more than 15 players, the COM could choose the 15 players that best average out the previous GM's average DMI.
It would be nice if the Allstar game is managed by a real manager and not by computer.Is it possible for BB to track how long a manager has been online in a season?The one who has been online the most in the competition may coach the allstar game. You could choose also for the manager who is number one in his division, but this way you are most sure the manager is online on time to give the players instructions.