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BB Chile > Hilo de Transferencias

Hilo de Transferencias (thread closed)

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This Post:
2205.487 in reply to 2205.485
Date: 9/15/2008 1:33:57 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
5 Jugadores en venta, a luka cada uno.

Yeison Álvarez (2629134)
Eber Silva (6233210)
Marciano Pfingsthorn (6233216)
Chema Casadevante (6233218)
Alejandro Ebensperger (6233221)

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This Post:
2205.489 in reply to 2205.487
Date: 9/15/2008 5:38:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Manu Otero (2643232)
Salario semanal:$ 10 197
DMI: 100800
Edad: 21
Altura: 7'1" / 216 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: fuerte

Tiro: horrible Alcance de Tiro: inepto
Def. Exterior: regular Dribbleo: espantoso
Penetración: respetable Pases: horrible
Tiro Interior: bueno Def. Interior: regular
Rebotes: fantastico
Tapones: espantoso
Resistencia: desastroso Tiros Libres: respetable

Experiencia: mediocre

This Post:
2205.490 in reply to 2205.489
Date: 9/16/2008 8:27:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Stefano Negro (784806)

Salario semanal:
$ 10 862
DMI: 128600
Edad: 22
Altura: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: bueno

Tiro: espantoso Alcance de Tiro: regular
Def. Exterior: respetable Dribbleo: desastroso
Penetración: regular Pases: inepto
Tiro Interior: prominente Def. Interior: bueno
Rebotes: bueno Tapones: regular
Resistencia: respetable
Tiros Libres: espantoso

Experiencia: mediocre

This Post:
2205.491 in reply to 2205.490
Date: 9/16/2008 8:32:00 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
no lo veo a la venta men...

aqui va el mio

Sharif Rashid Mansoor ((2714029))
Mayeah BT

Salario semanal:
$ 18 753
DMI: 185700
Edad: 23
Altura: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: bueno

Tiro: regular Alcance de Tiro: inepto
Def. Exterior: espantoso Dribbleo: horrible
Penetración: inepto Pases: desastroso
Tiro Interior: prominente Def. Interior: prominente
Rebotes: prolífico Tapones: respetable
Resistencia: inepto Tiros Libres: bueno

Experiencia: horrible

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Message deleted
From: Keitel
This Post:
2205.494 in reply to 2205.491
Date: 9/17/2008 12:40:32 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Javier Sagredo (4751783)

Salario semanal:
$ 7 030
DMI: 68700
Edad: 19
Altura: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potencial: Historico
Forma: bueno

Tiro: respetable (7) Alcance de Tiro: regular
Def. Exterior: prominente ↑(10) Dribbleo: mediocre (5)
Penetración: respetable (7) Pases: bueno ( 9 )
Tiro Interior: desastroso Def. Interior: inepto
Rebotes: horrible Tapones: inepto
Resistencia: espantoso Tiros Libres: regular

Experiencia: desastroso

Javier Sagredo (4751783)

This Post:
2205.495 in reply to 2205.494
Date: 9/20/2008 6:09:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Francisco Sangrador (3008878)

Edad: 21
Altura: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: bueno

Tiro: respetable Alcance de Tiro: horrible
Def. Exterior: mediocre Dribbleo: horrible
Penetración: horrible Pases: respetable
Tiro Interior: regular Def. Interior: respetable
Rebotes: regular Tapones: inepto
Resistencia: inepto ↓ Tiros Libres: respetable

Experiencia: espantoso

This Post:
2205.496 in reply to 2205.495
Date: 9/20/2008 5:15:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Daniel Paravic
pichanga conciliar

Salario semanal:
$ 4 894
DMI: 10400
Edad: 22
Altura: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potencial: AllStar *
Forma: respetable

Tiro: respetable Alcance de Tiro: respetable
Def. Exterior: espantoso Dribbleo: inepto
Penetración: regular Pases: desastroso
Tiro Interior: regular Def. Interior: mediocre
Rebotes: regular Tapones: mediocre
Resistencia: horrible Tiros Libres: desastroso

Experiencia: horrible

This Post:
2205.497 in reply to 2205.481
Date: 9/21/2008 9:12:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
(2286630)Mauro Zabarte(2286630)
