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From: j9s3

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155264.49 in reply to 155264.48
Date: 8/30/2010 10:30:20 PM
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We had a little discussion here about whether the game situation of the minutes matter for experience (based on something I saw a BB post), and I am still unsure of the answer.

Mahody, I took a look at the games your player played in. It seems like he had some pretty close games, including some minutes in a cup game, so it could be possible that the closer games affected his experience more... but I don't know much about experience. Most of my games have been blowouts, so I don't have any info regarding close games being related to experience. But if something like what happened to your player happens to one of mine, I'll let you know.

From: Jason

To: j9s3
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155264.50 in reply to 155264.49
Date: 8/30/2010 11:23:21 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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But if something like what happened to your player happens to one of mine, I'll let you know

That would be great!! Not only am I interested to hear about this happening...but it would be great if there were some other examples of this, so we can call of the straight jackets that some think I belong in :-) haha

This Post:
155264.51 in reply to 155264.49
Date: 8/31/2010 4:58:19 AM
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But if something like what happened to your player happens to one of mine, I'll let you know.

It won't happen to you or anybody else. People thought I was crazy when I had a player pop from pitiful to awful in 1100 minutes...2 pops in a week...BTW..I think I saw BigFoot last week....I swear...He was riding on a unicorn..I just had a player pop to mediocre from inept, 1622 minutes..It takes time, at least a season and a half. That is fact.

This Post:
155264.52 in reply to 155264.51
Date: 8/31/2010 5:02:53 AM
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BTW..I think I saw BigFoot last week....I swear...He was riding on a unicorn

OMG really? Me too!!!


This Post:
155264.53 in reply to 155264.52
Date: 8/31/2010 8:03:14 AM
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I think experience has to do with number of minutes that the game is close. For example someone that plays a league game that is a two point game all the way through would gain more experience than someone would beat a team by 30 in a cup game. Basically a player in a game that is close actions matter more, whether it is rebounding the ball or taking the final shot, and that allows that player to learn from there mistakes/good decisions and take that experience with them into other games. An example would be a player taking a bad shot at the end of a game when they were down by 1 and losing compared to a player taking a bad shot at the end of the game when his team is down by 40. The coach is going to talk to him more about the bad shot that could of won the game and by doing so the player will gain experience so when that situation appears again he can make a better decision.

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From: SammyD

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155264.55 in reply to 155264.53
Date: 8/31/2010 7:37:45 PM
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Haven't read the whole thread but from my experiences I think experience pops faster for older players. I have no BB quotes or research other than my own personal results to prove this so take it as you want :P

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155264.56 in reply to 155264.55
Date: 8/31/2010 9:55:25 PM
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I found it to be the opposite..It was like 1200 minutes for a pitiful to awful( two players from my reserch 1133 and 1220, about 1450-1550(two players..1466 and 1543)for an awful to go to an inept, and 1600-1750 for an inept to go an mediocre( only one player 1688 minutes).

This Post:
155264.57 in reply to 155264.56
Date: 8/31/2010 10:29:02 PM
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Interesting. My 21 year old plays almost every game and has had 1 exp pop the last two season. My 36 year old fills in maybe 20mins a week max and has had 2 this season....

And the fact that the 36 year old has popped from Strong to Promient while the 21 year old has gone from Pitiful to Awful is why I thought the older they were the quicker they pop.

From: myToast
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155264.58 in reply to 155264.56
Date: 9/2/2010 3:59:11 AM
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this is my thoery observe from the TL

experience comes from making a successful play. Important games, 4th qtr, OT and last 2 minutes of a game countd more

thats why all the high exp players(even they are only 27- with respectable exp+), usually comes from important players of successful teams.

Those players usually play 2 regular games, 80minutes a week, 20pg+, either high reb with assist, or 3pt specaily that can turn a 1 pt game around. And they play many cup games and playoff game, in the years during development.

Last edited by myToast at 9/11/2010 10:47:17 PM
