Anyway, the real question I had is if Career Extension is a waste. Anecdotally it appears to do little if anything. The Fitness & Massage specialties at least seem to make a tangible difference each week.
(some people without career extension get better results than with career extension. While it's doubtful that anyone without fitness or massage gets better results than anyone with fitness or massage.)
I don't know if you are right but one player killed my expectation :/
Quentin Thuillier
(6805530) has his 1st down in JR on the last week of his 33rd years old.
But this season is epic :
- W2 : -2 Driving
- W4 : -1 JR
- W8 : -2 JS
- No loss since then
With a level 7 career extension trainer, I had some hope to be able to use him fully this season. 2-3 drops would have been expected. But 5 is like killing all is abilities at once :/
Last edited by _Az_ at 2/10/2013 6:24:46 AM