I'm not sure why someone who
Is admittedly not interested in the market
Against playing a market
Has no training or experience with markets
Has no training in economics
Obviously doesn'T know much of anything about economics
probably sucks at math...
Insists he knows what is going on.
OH well...I just passed the 1million mark on sales. Take away initial investments and fees, then cost of training (I trained most hte players I sold a little) I'm still pulling in about 80% on the benefit of understanding the market. or 800k. That is more than I could have earned in promo-bonuses if you do the math.....
With regard to the article you cited, "Money Growth Does Not Cause Inflation!" I agree. I didn't say it did. If you thought differently, I'm not surprised.
With regard to the mythical straw man you so carefully postulated so you could put him down, it is more evidence that you don't listen and don't have the foggiest clue who I am or what my background is.
With regard to your day-trading, try it with real money in a real market and see how you do. Give it a year or two and report back.
Edited for two things: (1) Your article's inapplicability to BB helped clarify a problem in nomenclature that has caught us both. We are not talking about
inflation, a dynamic process. We are talking about players being
overpriced, too expensive for their value as players in the basketball sim, a static condition.
(2) You can stuff your ad hominem attacks where the sun don't shine, something I am sure you have been told often.
You and many others can shout till you are blue in the face that people should just bid their true amount early...
Another example of how you don't listen, just make things up. I never said that and don't think that.
I started to try to correct all the other fallacies in your posts, but there are too many, it would hijack the thread. I don't think many people pay any attention to them anyway.
Last edited by Mike Franks at 3/3/2015 11:12:56 PM