Well, another prove to my opinion on why buzzerbeater needs an App, much more than more tiny game improvements, in order to bring this game alive...
I just restarted playing a Football online game a week or two ago, that has an App (and didnt have 5y ago when I played before). This game gives the possibility to play in the same league as friends, just a private league, but still I never managed to get much people involved in the past...just 6/8 and the rest all just join and just play 1 day lol. I know its just a week or two, but still, I can see when managers login (hours and minutes), and I've seen every single user of the 16 of my league super involved so far. Doing transfers, checking in game, and that's awsome. Since they are people that don't usually stick around the computer, and some of them don't even use one on a normal week, this is great.
With the app, we get notifications for everything we wont! From bids that we just won/lost, talent players that came from the youth team (no draft eheh), to warnings to make your team! This is great....even for me, a normal and experienced PC user, I appreciate those things. The beautifull and simple design of the app is another thing that makes people enjoy the experience..
Just saying