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Is BB dying a slow death - Part Two

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275697.499 in reply to 275697.491
Date: 1/25/2017 3:33:47 PM
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I work in real estate and my job pays way too much to entertain any thoughts of creating an own game anymore.

I made an offer to buy this game like 4-5 years ago, never received an answer. We were around 35k users back then. Also had some loose contact to a polish manager who claimed to have a working engine, but had no interest of developing it further. Can't say I did not try to do something.

I have never said anything on a possible ROI, however the cost of getting an app done are really not that high. If you are willing to pay for it. Obviously the owners don't want to. For whatever reasons.

If the devs would have spent half the time I wasted writing on coding some of my suggestions I would have very much appreciated it. Instead they chose to tweak stuff.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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275697.502 in reply to 275697.492
Date: 1/25/2017 7:58:41 PM
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It seems to me like you're comparing a free game with a game/exercise tool that cost 10$ / month to use.
I kinda see something that hinders a fair comparison right there.
And i do not at all need to defend the game in any way. I will speak against parts i dont like just as freely as normal users do if they want to.

I am talking about things advancing. And this game is not advancing.
And to be honest....this game sucks as a free game. They should give Private league games to everyone. 3 games a week is not enough. So you do have to pay for the 4th game for the week. Which means to make this game worth it, you have to spend. So it is not that much less than Zwift.
I would try and compare Buzzerbeater to Hattrick but why compare two sinking ships.

From: Melo9
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275697.503 in reply to 275697.502
Date: 1/28/2017 3:58:17 PM
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Well, another prove to my opinion on why buzzerbeater needs an App, much more than more tiny game improvements, in order to bring this game alive...

I just restarted playing a Football online game a week or two ago, that has an App (and didnt have 5y ago when I played before). This game gives the possibility to play in the same league as friends, just a private league, but still I never managed to get much people involved in the past...just 6/8 and the rest all just join and just play 1 day lol. I know its just a week or two, but still, I can see when managers login (hours and minutes), and I've seen every single user of the 16 of my league super involved so far. Doing transfers, checking in game, and that's awsome. Since they are people that don't usually stick around the computer, and some of them don't even use one on a normal week, this is great.

With the app, we get notifications for everything we wont! From bids that we just won/lost, talent players that came from the youth team (no draft eheh), to warnings to make your team! This is great....even for me, a normal and experienced PC user, I appreciate those things. The beautifull and simple design of the app is another thing that makes people enjoy the experience..

Just saying

From: Yellow cake

To: RiP
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275697.509 in reply to 275697.508
Date: 1/30/2017 7:16:10 PM
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That's a huge assumption on your part. If some wealthy company decides they want to make a basketball management game with a 3D viewer (or even 2D) they probably could afford to hire a dozen developers and a couple of graphic artists to make it happen. BuzzerBeater is nowhere close to having those kind of resources. BB has a single developer whose primary responsibility is to make sure the site keeps running smoothly.

Wow!! You just admitted to what I have been saying. Nobody at BB has the skills to overhaul the heart of the game, THE GAME ENGINE!!! So this developer is there just to make sure the site stays up....sad!! And why should I donate money to BB now after you admit this?
