Our channel apologises for the misunderstanding of the press statement of our NT coach. Pistoleros manager claimmed that it would be a dream come true for one of his players to be in the NT squad and that he is trying hard to accoplish this for his domestic players. CWUB does not disagree with the methodology or NT coach uses that has proven to be very effective. To back up the above all you have to do is just see the results of our NT this season. On the other hand we all understand that there is a lot of competion regarding an entry in the squad mainly by CBBA teams but also from foreing teams that hold to there posession Cyprus players. among the managers that approve of Steve Makis is Pistoleros the manager of Pistoleroi although they had their different opinions and arguments in the past. Lets just hope that season by season more and more managers will be interested in the NT development and thus not leaving this sensitive issue (NT squad) to the present few.