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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Missing Training minutes

Missing Training minutes (thread closed)

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172915.5 in reply to 172915.4
Date: 1/29/2011 7:48:45 PM
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*Second try*

This is not a bug. This is the way how the minute-distribution works during the walkovers. Follow the games of the team:(39392). It is normal. I don't like such system neither but I can do nothing with this. You can leave your suggestion at Suggestions forum. I don't think that it could be implemented though. The developers are satisfied with the way it works at the moment.
And don't be so angry, that's just a game, enjoy it ;)

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172915.6 in reply to 172915.5
Date: 1/31/2011 3:54:22 PM
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I don't understand why do you assert that I'm angry, especially "so angry" as you write. I just reported something which I find to be an issue and asked for a help in regards to that. How is that angry? Or is it a problem that I disagreed with your fellow GM?
But that aside, just like the guy before you, you didn't explain what happened with those missing minutes either. Now, unlike him, you at least admitted that the way BB treats the walkover minutes is utterly stupid, but quite honestly, that is of a very little practical value to me. Thanks anyway.

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172915.7 in reply to 172915.6
Date: 2/1/2011 12:05:29 AM
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The words in all caps are the reason he thought you were angry. They are interpreted as shouting, which is frequently interpreted as anger. And, he did explain what happened with your minutes, they disappeared. Or rather, they never existed in the first place because the other team forfeited the game. But you still get credit for some minutes so that a walkover doesn't completely screw up your training and game shape for the week.

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172915.8 in reply to 172915.7
Date: 2/1/2011 4:10:24 AM
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Well, thank you for the explanation of his explanation. I still reserve my right to disagree, but I don't wanna turn this into another neverending discussion, so I'll just leave it as it is.
As for uppercase letters, I didn't meant to shout; I just wanted to EMPHASIZE the key words in my main arguments. I thought that such would help people to easier recognize my points, but apparently I was wrong.