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From: jbmcrock

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191.5 in reply to 191.4
Date: 6/15/2007 3:34:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Got my first pop in a couple of weeks. It's probably better that players aren't popping every week. Though I am curious to see if it takes different training times to move up a level in the different skills (e.g., 5 weeks in rebounding, but 4 weeks in inside defense - of course holding everything else constant).

From: raonne

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191.6 in reply to 191.5
Date: 6/15/2007 3:49:27 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
yes, we should try to figure that out. In HT is different for each training, depending usually on how many players is possible for you to train with that training (more players = slower training)