Yer i do like this suggestion, but id like to modify it somewhat.
Thinking realistically, in the NBA, some bench players are always pretty much the same skill wise for many seasons, but they play better, mainly due to experience.
And Experience is one stat that seems to be low, that is, seems to take AGES to pop. and ive only personally seen max Proficient experience.
So maybe they should just modify the Experience stat so that, you dont have to play as many minutes to pop. Or even just take into account the fact that your player is dressed for a game, or on a roster, and this add's experience. Ive got a guy on my roster who has been playing for 5 seasons now and he hasnt popped in experience once and i feel this seems to be just a bit wrong. It feels like experience operates on a different 'scale' of stat-range, compared to all other stats. How many times have you seena guy with Legendary experience? Yet in reality, in BuzzerBeater, most 32 year old players who have been playing for 12 seasons, have 'Mediocre' experience. Or thereabouts... seems a bit odd to me.
The Experience stat seems to 'bump up' ALL of the players stats as a general rule, so maybe by making Experience pop faster, or in different ways, you would achieve a similar result to what you are suggesting?