1.James (A full Leader. Passes, Scores, Rebounds, and Defends)
2. Kobe (Not a Fan,But He's carried a team. Has great team-mates and Not once have I called him a one-man. He, in my opinion, is one of the best passing shooting guards in the NBA)
3.Durant (Pure Scorer. He needs to get his assist averege up. He will surely pass MANY guys in the all-time scoring list)
4. Derrick Rose (A leader. Scores, and has GREAT Teammates. He will get a ring withen the 5 years.)
5. D-Wade. I'm a DIE-HARD HEat fan. He can block, steal, score,rebound, and is athletic.
6. D12. Trade rumors or not. This guy is epic. Athletic, strong, scores above 50%, and rebounds.
7.Chris Paul (Great touch while shooting. Terrific passer and can drive flawlessly.) Go to youtube, and search "Chris Paul scores 61 points in memory of his grandfather"
8. Melo. Hands down, this guy is scary. He scores flawlessly. He needs work on passing, in my opinion.
9. Dirk. Hard-to-block, scary shooter, and a 1x MVP. His numbers will raise this coming season. Trust Me.
10. Love. Great rebounder, scary shooter, and good defender. I can garuntee he will get at least 1 MVP award. And trust me, I am NOT A T-wolves fan. He's just that good.