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NBA's top 5

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From: mhjr22
This Post:
221782.5 in reply to 221782.1
Date: 7/11/2012 9:53:01 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. Lebron James
2. Kevin Durant
3. Chris Paul
4. Dwayne Wade
5. Dwight Howard
6. Dirk Nowitzki
7. Derrick Rose
8. Kevin Love
9. Deron Williams
10. Steve Nash/Allen Iverson/Tracy Mcgrady/ NOT KOBE

but really though, i'd say 10 is either: Westbrook, Griffin, or Kobe

This Post:
221782.6 in reply to 221782.5
Date: 7/11/2012 11:33:36 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. Durant
2. James
3. Kobe
4. Wade
5. Rose
6. Paul
7. Howard
8. Dirk
9. Love
10. Carmello

From: Hopson
This Post:
221782.7 in reply to 221782.6
Date: 7/12/2012 1:29:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1.James (A full Leader. Passes, Scores, Rebounds, and Defends)

2. Kobe (Not a Fan,But He's carried a team. Has great team-mates and Not once have I called him a one-man. He, in my opinion, is one of the best passing shooting guards in the NBA)

3.Durant (Pure Scorer. He needs to get his assist averege up. He will surely pass MANY guys in the all-time scoring list)

4. Derrick Rose (A leader. Scores, and has GREAT Teammates. He will get a ring withen the 5 years.)

5. D-Wade. I'm a DIE-HARD HEat fan. He can block, steal, score,rebound, and is athletic.

6. D12. Trade rumors or not. This guy is epic. Athletic, strong, scores above 50%, and rebounds.

7.Chris Paul (Great touch while shooting. Terrific passer and can drive flawlessly.) Go to youtube, and search "Chris Paul scores 61 points in memory of his grandfather"

8. Melo. Hands down, this guy is scary. He scores flawlessly. He needs work on passing, in my opinion.

9. Dirk. Hard-to-block, scary shooter, and a 1x MVP. His numbers will raise this coming season. Trust Me.

10. Love. Great rebounder, scary shooter, and good defender. I can garuntee he will get at least 1 MVP award. And trust me, I am NOT A T-wolves fan. He's just that good.

From: tough

This Post:
221782.8 in reply to 221782.7
Date: 7/12/2012 1:56:04 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
top 7 I understand. IDK who Melo is. Dirk I can see in there Why is Westbrook not there? This is after the top 10 on MY list

11. Love
12. Dirk
13. Bosh
14. Carmelo
15. Iggy
16. Duncan
17. Aldridge
18. Nash
19. Garnet
20. Bynum

I know it's jacked up going 18 and down, but Pierce, Rondo, and Ray-Ray are in the top 25. Here's 21-30 in my list

21. Ginobli
22. Joe Johnson
23. Rondo
24. Pierce
25. Kyrie Irving
26. Allen
27. Amar'e
28. Parker
29. Ibaka
30. Laker's Gasol

Now Ima do a 31-40 soon

Now 31-40.
31. Hibbert
32. Hill
33. Memphis Gasol
34. Terry
35. Scola
36. Gay
36. Haslem
37. Perkins
38. Knight
39. John Wall
40. Nene


41. McGrady
42. Gortat
43. Ellis
44. Dragic
45. Gordan
46. Kidd
47. Chandlier
48. Tyreke Eveans
49. Lee (from GS)
50. Jennings

Top 50

Last edited by tough at 7/12/2012 11:21:30 AM

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: Bballin

This Post:
221782.9 in reply to 221782.8
Date: 7/12/2012 2:18:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
IDK who Melo is

You should know who he is. He is #15 on your list.

From: tough

This Post:
221782.10 in reply to 221782.9
Date: 7/12/2012 2:21:40 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
oh, Carmelo. I always called him "car" when I was little. Now I call him, carmelo. Never heard of "Melo" Before.

Last edited by tough at 7/12/2012 2:22:17 AM

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
This Post:
221782.11 in reply to 221782.8
Date: 7/12/2012 2:22:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow, you got Amar'e in front of Tim Duncan. We can't be friends.

This Post:
221782.12 in reply to 221782.8
Date: 7/12/2012 2:39:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
top 7 I understand. IDK who Melo is, isn't that guy from the draft? Why so high after the draft! He hasn't even played a game yet! Dirk I can see in there Why is Westbrook not there? This is after the top 10 on MY list

11. Love
12. Dirk
13. Bosh
14. Iggy
15. Carmelo
16. Aldridge
17. Nash
18. Davis (rookie, but he's good, my rookies is in)
19. Bynum
20. Joe Johnson

I know it's jacked up going 18 and down, but Pierce, Rondo, and Ray-Ray are in the top 25. Here's 21-30 in my list

21. Rondo
22. Pierce
23. Kyrie Irving
24. Allen
25. Amar'e
26. Kidd
27. Ibaka
28. Gasol
29. Jennings
30. Scola

Now Ima do a 31-40 soon

Igouldala better than Melo?
Davis whom hasn't proven anything, right after your bolded points, and ahead of Bynum, & Rondo?
Jason Kidd still on your list?
28. Is that Pao or Marc?

Pierce and Allen both there... but not Garnett?

Where's Tim Duncan? not in the top 30? seriously?

Last edited by LBJisaCancer at 7/12/2012 2:40:20 AM

This Post:
221782.13 in reply to 221782.12
Date: 7/12/2012 2:50:39 AM
Mountain Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
I said at first it was gonna be jacked up, I can't remember all the guys names in the NBA. Ok, I'm going to edit it. Then we can see it right.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
This Post:
221782.14 in reply to 221782.13
Date: 7/12/2012 2:54:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I said at first it was gonna be jacked up, I can't remember all the guys names in the NBA. Ok, I'm going to edit it. Then we can see it right.

lol, put some thought into it. My top 10 list was tough (no pun intended) to do, it took me 15 minutes to carefully pick out whom I felt were the top 10.

Notice, Hopson and I have the same 10 guys, albeit in different orders. I must agree with his top 10 though, as the 10 players themselves are no way not in the top 10, lol.

Last edited by LBJisaCancer at 7/12/2012 2:56:38 AM

From: Hopson

This Post:
221782.15 in reply to 221782.8
Date: 7/12/2012 2:57:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Melo=CarMELO Anthony.
