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perfect training minutes

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From: Izaman
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222484.5 in reply to 222484.4
Date: 7/26/2012 6:53:44 AM
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I just want to find a way to where my guy running 48 mins doesnt get subbed out at the 1:24 mark when i winning by 40.

strictly follow depth chart, check.

I only ran two back ups to cover the other 4 positions.

guess running 5 guys is the only way to get 48 mins. Sad but true.

Last edited by Izaman at 7/26/2012 6:55:59 AM

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
222484.6 in reply to 222484.5
Date: 7/26/2012 11:59:45 AM
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no 9 or less actually if everyone has their place on court and you training 1 pozition or 8 or less players for 2 pozition training.

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222484.7 in reply to 222484.6
Date: 7/26/2012 12:20:44 PM
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he had less than 9 players as far as i understand.
he says he had two backups, so he couldnt manage to get his trainee 48 mins with 7 players.

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222484.8 in reply to 222484.7
Date: 7/26/2012 12:34:13 PM
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iv never managed not to get 48minutes for my trainess while playing with 7-8 players, maybe his subs werent listed anywhere on the substitution pattern or listed duplicately.

if i list like this i always get 48mins even in 60pts blowout

trainee1 trainee1 trainee1
trainee2 trainee2 trainee2
sf subsf sub sf
pf sub pf sub pf
c sub c sub c

8 players total.

This Post:
222484.10 in reply to 222484.8
Date: 7/26/2012 1:16:32 PM
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Can that work with for one-pos. training, like:

PG subPG subPG
SF subSF subSF
PF subPF subPF
trainee1 trainee2 trainee3

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222484.11 in reply to 222484.10
Date: 7/26/2012 1:41:55 PM
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no, cause trainee 2 will substitute the sg:D in a blowout time

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222484.12 in reply to 222484.11
Date: 7/26/2012 1:54:43 PM
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What if the C was only one trainee?

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222484.13 in reply to 222484.1
Date: 7/27/2012 5:56:57 AM
Red Devilsss
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First time I've seen this.

Set my roster for:

Trainee got 48 minutes.
Starters all got 32 minutes.
Backups all got 16 minutes.


From: Koperboy

This Post:
222484.14 in reply to 222484.5
Date: 8/1/2012 9:13:30 AM
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guess running 5 guys is the only way to get 48 mins. Sad but true.

Actually I had a game which wasn't a blowout and my trainee gets randomly subbed in 4th quarter for 4-5 minutes. He was subbed with 15+ for me ((48868052)). No injury, no foul trouble. Strictly follow depth chart.

Blowouts are of course still preventing 48 minutes by default.

Add to that the difficulty of training out of position (C on PG or PG on C gets injured an awful lot).

I wonder if we will be able to train normally at all.

Last edited by Koperboy at 8/1/2012 9:16:54 AM