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Tactics - Motion / Full Court Press

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225062.5 in reply to 225062.4
Date: 8/23/2012 5:20:26 AM
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looks like you misunderstood the question sir. the opponent's D is FCP. the 3-2 zone there is the one he would like to use as a D against the opponent.

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225062.6 in reply to 225062.4
Date: 8/23/2012 8:29:53 AM
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Dont run motion, its proly worst tactics against 3-2 zone. Since ur team is built for outside tactics id run base offense or push the ball. They both explore weak sides of oponent ant strikes there.

even if this would be the question, i wouldn't choose base offense since outside attack is his strength and should be still the main option. Cause in this case your offense get sabotaged twice, one time through the 3-2 which defends outside shots better and base offense which robs you the bonus you get on your outside shots.

You play base offense then to attack his weak spot more often, which is below the basket but if this is the better option play Look Inside or Low post to utilize it with an "bonus". If your inside scorers are to bad for it, try to win your game stick with the offense you can play which is Motion/run and gun and maybe Princeton.

So now to the real question, what to do against FCP - i would threat it like a man to man defense fast or slow offense really don't make a big difference in terms of to, and there are theorys who sound plausible who state that fast is better AND that slow pace is better. So look out to the offense, which makes you perform best.
If you have two player of the same quality, take the one with better handling/passing or if you don't know which start need a break to be competive in other games take out the one who is bad in those skills.

From: Big Dogs

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225062.7 in reply to 225062.1
Date: 8/23/2012 3:21:38 PM
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I have a team that uses Low Post a lot, but can resort to Motion if necessary. There are anywhere from 10-20 threes taken, depending on how much HA/DR/PA/IS your team has. IF you want to combat FCP, use Low Post, but if your team isn't good inside (bigs with good IS/REB, guards with good HA/DR/PA/a little IS) then by all means, go with Motion. Everyone will need some HA/DR/PA, though, especially your bigs.

From: Stubby
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225062.8 in reply to 225062.7
Date: 8/23/2012 3:32:44 PM
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Cheers to everyone

what is the difference between low post and look inside?

my 2 big men have really good skills

From: Big Dogs

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225062.9 in reply to 225062.8
Date: 8/23/2012 3:45:57 PM
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Look Inside has more inside shots and drives to the basket than Low Post. For LI, your guards need HA/DR/PA/IS, not to mention stamina since the offense is fast-paced. LP has more 3s and jump shots taken, and is also slower. What are the skills of your big men?

From: Stubby

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225062.10 in reply to 225062.9
Date: 8/23/2012 3:58:21 PM
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Hi Mate, see below

Player 1
Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: inept Handling: strong
Driving: mediocre Passing: inept
Inside Shot: marvelous Inside Def.: prodigious
Rebounding: proficient Shot Blocking: strong
Stamina: average Free Throw: awful

Player 2
ump Shot: mediocre Jump Range: awful
Outside Def.: inept Handling: mediocre
Driving: respectable Passing: inept
Inside Shot: tremendous Inside Def.: wondrous
Rebounding: wondrous Shot Blocking: strong
Stamina: strong Free Throw: strong

From: Big Dogs

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225062.11 in reply to 225062.10
Date: 8/23/2012 4:04:12 PM
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I don't know how good bigs have to be in D3 Australia, let alone secondaries, but if you were in USA D3, those would be decent bigs. Their stamina also allows them to play for long periods of time. Do your guards have decent HA/DR/PA/IS?

From: Stubby

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225062.12 in reply to 225062.11
Date: 8/23/2012 4:14:20 PM
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no they do not mate.

i am trying to buy a decent guard

but my best guard has the below which isnt that good

Handling: proficient
Driving: prolific
Passing: inept
Inside Shot: mediocre

From: Big Dogs

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225062.13 in reply to 225062.12
Date: 8/23/2012 4:19:33 PM
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The HA/DR are fine. So is the IS. All you need is at least inept IS for your guards, and your good. As for that PA, that doesn't go over well. It will certainly hurt your offensive flow.
