draft rankings1. Leo-Paul Chevarie
(29556997) 18yo 6'4" $2958 MVP 7th pick
The System2. Roosevelt Wilson
(29557009) 18yo 6'0" $2047 MVP 20th pick
MastersOfBBall3. Jared Thomas
(29557018) 19yo 6'2" $3162 MVP 31th pick
Lumber Jacks 4. Jed Stephenson
(29557005) 19yo 6'10" $2986 MVP 30th pick
New York Chunks5. Livio Cortinas
(29557013) 19yo 6'8" $2827 MVP 1st pick
Red Fort6. Stanley Felix
(29557027) 18yo 7'3" $3393 Allstar 14th pick
New York Chunks7. Thorn Engel
(29557019) 18yo 6'2" $2472 Allstar 3rd pick
SHM Great NamesHung Brown
(29557006) 25th pick Team ZYX and he's white!
Homer Dawson
(29557033) 6th pick Kalamazoo Kangaroos
Last edited by WFUnDina at 6/10/2013 9:37:17 PM