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USA - III.1 > Season 24

Season 24

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From: Rexapex
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242880.5 in reply to 242880.4
Date: 6/10/2013 9:12:50 PM
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Jared Thomas might be the first MVP the Lumber Jacks have ever drafted. He's a solid SG prospect. $0-scouting... Now to come up with a plan the includes him and Chee How capping by mid-season.

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242880.6 in reply to 242880.4
Date: 6/10/2013 9:32:03 PM
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I also spent nothing and got nothing. Looks like I made a good choice. The System seems to have intercepted anything good that could have fallen to me

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242880.7 in reply to 242880.4
Date: 6/10/2013 9:36:13 PM
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draft rankings

1. Leo-Paul Chevarie (29556997) 18yo 6'4" $2958 MVP 7th pick The System
2. Roosevelt Wilson (29557009) 18yo 6'0" $2047 MVP 20th pick MastersOfBBall
3. Jared Thomas (29557018) 19yo 6'2" $3162 MVP 31th pick Lumber Jacks
4. Jed Stephenson (29557005) 19yo 6'10" $2986 MVP 30th pick New York Chunks
5. Livio Cortinas (29557013) 19yo 6'8" $2827 MVP 1st pick Red Fort
6. Stanley Felix (29557027) 18yo 7'3" $3393 Allstar 14th pick New York Chunks
7. Thorn Engel (29557019) 18yo 6'2" $2472 Allstar 3rd pick SHM

Great Names

Hung Brown (29557006) 25th pick Team ZYX and he's white!
Homer Dawson (29557033) 6th pick Kalamazoo Kangaroos

Last edited by WFUnDina at 6/10/2013 9:37:17 PM

This Post:
242880.8 in reply to 242880.7
Date: 6/10/2013 9:39:34 PM
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5 MVPs! That is ludicrous. Wish I had needed a player, I missed a golden opportunity to steal a MVP. DAMN!

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242880.9 in reply to 242880.7
Date: 6/10/2013 9:40:35 PM
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The Chunks wont have a problem changing light bulbs in the locker room...

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242880.10 in reply to 242880.9
Date: 6/10/2013 9:58:59 PM
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Pffft. Do you even know who many Chunks it takes to change a single light bulb?

From: ZYXF
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242880.11 in reply to 242880.10
Date: 6/10/2013 10:19:13 PM
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BTW new teams this season seem much stronger

From: WFUnDina

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242880.12 in reply to 242880.11
Date: 6/10/2013 10:31:03 PM
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TV money jumped from $96,801 to $99,968!

This Post:
242880.14 in reply to 242880.12
Date: 6/11/2013 2:27:35 AM
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Hope you all don't mind me hanging out here till my trainees develop. Of course I will screw them up so terribly ill probably have to demote to D.IV. Good to see I have a shot at a few MVP prospects in the draft in this league for when I need to start over again.

This Post:
242880.15 in reply to 242880.14
Date: 6/11/2013 8:48:16 AM
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Don't worry, again I am trying to avoid relegation while Macedonia is in his last year of PG training. 24 and 109 skill points isn't bad though, right?

Also, does that amount of MVPs this draft mean there will be less this next season?
