Aren't recently promoted teams supposed to have much better attendance? At least until All Star break? Even though they promoted from a bot-cleanup?
Now, that's what the rules say:
bot-promoted teams will not experience the same boost to their season ticket holders
Actually, my fans hardly come to visit my games at all…
These are my prices (Bundesliga, which is 1st league Germany):
10,383 Bleachers for $20 each
3,850 Lower Tier $60
500 Courtside Seats $180
25 Luxury Boxes $1,600
Prices are not too low, but my arena is rather small, so i thought it would be okay for 1st league.
Saturday's total attendance: 11207 (9,148 + 1,669 + 376 + 14), leads to $373,180 income, for a recently promoted 1st league team! Can this be real?