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298714.5 in reply to 298714.4
Date: 3/15/2019 4:12:52 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Oh wow so the taller your player is, the faster he trains in passing?

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298714.6 in reply to 298714.5
Date: 3/15/2019 4:14:33 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
according to several outlets passsing is irrespective of size, same as DR. so the previous statement that psasing trains faster as a result of height is false.

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298714.7 in reply to 298714.6
Date: 3/15/2019 4:18:37 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Ah nice to know that. Thanks.

From: E.B.W.

To: Otis
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298714.8 in reply to 298714.6
Date: 3/15/2019 5:03:37 AM
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Could you showcase one of these outlets to me? I have always understood that passing trains more quickly on taller players and other guard skills train more quickly with shorter players. I have used this perceived knowledge to train players for awhile and had the mindset when I took the U21 USA NT to four straight gold medals (s26-s29). I'm interested to see what statistics there are for this topic.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Otis

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298714.9 in reply to 298714.8
Date: 3/15/2019 6:09:36 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
main source is the data set from coach parrot.

i cannot recall exactly the other source, either a polish or czech site, and after seeing that there i checked it out w coach parrot. you put in whatever player height you want and you can see that there is no penalty or bonus when changing height. similar to DR.

From: E.B.W.

To: Otis
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298714.10 in reply to 298714.9
Date: 3/15/2019 6:13:28 AM
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Interesting. Perhaps I just remember that PAS is not slower with taller guards, and my brain slowly turned that into it trains faster with taller players over time. OD, JS, JR, and HAND are all still influenced by height correct? Shorter players train faster in those skills?

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Otis

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298714.11 in reply to 298714.10
Date: 3/15/2019 6:45:16 AM
The Defenders
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Second Team:
The D-fenders
JS DR and PA are not influenced by height.

JR OD HA train faster for small players

IS(?*) ID RB SB train faster for tall players

from personal experience, i was able to train 7.4 players and 5.11 at same speed when it came to JS. same goes for passing.
now keep in mind that while passing is not influenced by height it is influenced (i.e. elastic effect) by the level of other skills.
so a small player may have high handling and somewhat decend driving, hance the elastic effect might kick in and alter your perception.

i trained a center who had level 1 on virtually all outside skills. passing trained fast for 2-3 levels then it slwoed down due to lack of connected relevant skills. so this is what might color your perception. similar observation goes for JS.

IS(?*) IS i am a little skeptical that it might be height dependnat as i was able to train a 6'0 guard to 14 IS just off driving. and when people pump up volumes of 1v1 for u21 players, usually 1v1 for forwards i tend to see high IS on smaller players a lot. never see high ID if fore some reaspon someone went bananas with OD training first. so IS vs ID seems much more more disconnected from the height factor

From: E.B.W.

To: Otis
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298714.12 in reply to 298714.11
Date: 3/15/2019 6:51:06 AM
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Good to know! Thanks for the insight!

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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298714.14 in reply to 298714.13
Date: 3/15/2019 7:16:31 PM
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I love you

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs