1) defense. Many seasons ago, when I stareted to build SB players and pure defense guys, I called it "60 wins". In Utopia I am building two defense bigs. A lot of SB, ID, PA and OD. The first three skills are finished, OD is currently trained. It takes a lot of time for such tall players, but they are useful already and I can live with it.
2) defense. Stop the opponent, exhaust his players and win the game with +1 ;)
3) it depends. On defense I would sacrifice RB. Defend and block as much as possible and get the ball. Your opponent can get 5 ORs, but if he cannot score... it's your win.
On offense I would sacrifice one of the guards. Especially if you run ISO Outside, you don't need three scorers. You have one main and a second punch. The rest is for defense and passing.
4) as high as possible. My data shows, that your shooting fouls go down, that you can take away up to 90% of the scoring on defended shots. So a higher defense means more defended shots, less scoring and less points in the end.
5) These two are important. Currently SB and PA are the highest skills of my two defense bigs.
@Sentinel: I think my two bigs are exactely what you aim for