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Training Guide

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326268.5 in reply to 326268.4
Date: 1/3/2025 11:48:22 PM
Tampines Fusion
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Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Elastic Effect
In the early days of BB, a lot of players focused on monoskilled players. In order to encourage players to build more well-rounded players, the devs introduced elastic effect. Elastic effect is also sometimes called the rubber band effect - it's like pulling a rubber band. The further away you stretch a rubber band, the faster the rubber band will spring towards you. Using that metaphor, we can see that if you train 1 skill to a very high level, when you start to train another related skill, that related skill will improve faster than normal, and its speed will slowly normalize the closer it gets to the first skill. However, not all skills can pull up other skills. You can find the list here: (307729.7).

When the elastic effect was first introduced, it was said that there were negative elastic effects. Metaphorically, if you pulled a rubber band hard, the further away you pull it, the tighter it gets right? So theoretically, it was said that if you train a skill too high and far away from its associated skill, its training speed will be slower than normal. However after a lot of data gathering, it has been deemed that there is no sign of any negative elastic effects, so you don't have to worry about training a skill too high.

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326268.6 in reply to 326268.5
Date: 1/3/2025 11:59:21 PM
Tampines Fusion
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Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Cross Training
Another effort to encourage well-rounded players, the devs introduced cross training. Every week, about 10% of training effort gets put into another (totally unrelated skill). Rumour has it that it goes to an untrained skill that is the closest to pop (needs verification). It usually goes to a lower skill tho (so if your player has awful/pitiful skills while the rest are very high up, then those are the ones likely to get cross training).

If you have a gym, it provides extra cross training slots (up to 3 extra slots). However the nature of how exactly it works is still unknown. Here is a thread you can read up on (309316.1)

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326268.7 in reply to 326268.6
Date: 1/4/2025 12:20:17 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Other Factors that Affect Training Speed
Two important factors that affect training is height and age.

Players of all age will benefit from training. However younger players improve faster. That's why quite often, an 18 year old will often be prioritized in the drafts (of course, we also need to take starting skills and potential into account, since 19 year olds can have considerably better starting skills). To get a better idea of how much slower a player trains as they age, you can refer to this post: (295510.6).

A player will also start to deteriorate in skills at the age of 35, just like how players get slower when they get older. As far as I know, the rate of skill drops is random (and which skill that drops), so there are times when you can get a double drop. To slow down this drop, you can get trainers with Career Extension specialty. Players above 35 can still be trained, although their skill drop rate will definitely outpace the skill training rate.

Height has no impact during matches. A short player can still consistently outrebound a tall player if their rebound skill is better. I know some people might say "how is that possible? The taller player doesn't even need to jump", but imagine a short player who can jump so high that they can catch the ball above the taller player's outstretched arms, or the taller player gets boxed out by the shorter player and is in a bad position to catch the rebound, or they just have butter fingers or bad coordination. Either way, height has no impact during matches.

However it does impact training a lot. A taller player would train much faster in rebounding than a shorter player, while a shorter player will train much faster in handling than a taller player. The equilibrium, where a player trains all skills at 100%, is at 6'7" or 201cm. Here is the list of skills and how their training speed is affected by height: (295510.5).

Does that mean 201 cm players are the best? Not necessarily. For guards, shorter players are better because they train handling and outside defense faster. You would want taller inside players because they train inside shooting and inside defense faster. However, this isn't exactly set in stone because it all depends on context. A player who is around 6'9" could be a more ideal post player than a 7'2" player. I'll get into that later on when I talk about player builds.

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326268.8 in reply to 326268.7
Date: 1/4/2025 12:37:31 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Training Staff
There are two types of staff that affects training speed: Trainer and Youth Trainer

You will have this dude by default, although his level will be very low at the start. In order to train players, you should get a higher level trainer, at least Superior. Here is a list which shows the difference in effectiveness of trainers of different levels (295510.13).

Optimally, it would be good to get a world-renown (level 7) trainer. However, they can be very expensive (up to 3 million) and their upkeep can be quite expensive. So many people go with at least level 6 (exceptional) trainers if they are training for the NT (or if they want to cap out a MVP/HOF).

Remember to watch out for the staff's salary when bidding on him. You might be able to get a world-renown trainer for $1000, but if his weekly salary is $100k, then you might find yourself bankrupt soon.

Youth Trainer
Only get them if you are training players aged 18 or 19. They won't work on players aged 20 and above. They're much cheaper than trainers, so if you're serious in training players with MVP or higher potential, you should at least get a level 6 youth trainer. Again, watch your finances. You don't want to go bankrupt just because you can't wait to train your next franchise player. The difference in speed of Youth Trainers is still pretty unknown at the moment, so there isn't much data.

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326268.9 in reply to 326268.8
Date: 1/4/2025 12:40:03 AM
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
ActiveSG Basketball Academy
Potential Cap, Salaries, and Player Position
This is going to be a long one, and I'm feeling kinda tired after sitting at my desk the whole morning scouting and typing this training guide. I'mma go get some rest first hahaha. So here's a placeholder, will edit it off later.

If you all have any feedback, feel free to drop em here. Don't worry about cross-chat. I will just link the posts with my guides in the table of contents later.

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326268.10 in reply to 326268.1
Date: 1/4/2025 2:50:33 AM
Changi Muscle Ball
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This will be helpful , thank you!

From: LDS

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326268.11 in reply to 326268.4
Date: 1/4/2025 8:18:25 AM
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I didnt know need to empty starter.. that explain i cant get him train full 48 min even i put strict follow depth chart