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From: CrazyEye

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38569.5 in reply to 38569.4
Date: 7/10/2008 7:32:11 PM
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no, just 24

If play 24 as SG and 24 a sPG he would get full training.

From: jimrtex

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38569.6 in reply to 38569.4
Date: 7/12/2008 9:01:03 PM
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i have a question about this. say im training jump shot SG/PG and my SG plays 24 minutes at SG and 24 mins at SF will he still get full training for that week?

He will 24 minutes worth of training based on his minutes at SG. This is likely to be somewhat less than 50% since a player doesn't get the same amount of training for each minute.

His game shape update will be based on 48 minutes, so he will likely maintain or improve his GS.

This Post:
38569.7 in reply to 38569.3
Date: 7/16/2008 5:56:03 AM
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How your player developed would depend on his size and his age. If he is a 7'2 he won't get as much out of the JS shooting as if he were 6'2.

So how do you know if your training the right player depending on the height? For example a 6'6" SG does it mean a 6'2" SG will have better training at Jumpshot assuming they both played the same amount of time? And how much is the difference?