I think the estimate needs to be tightened up, currently it seems to be one of the few negative aspects of BB. I'm all for there being variance (6 day estimate could be say between 5 and 8 days), but the current situation where it can up to double is just annoying. In my last expansion it sat on 1 day left for 4 days causing it to skip two home games and costing me $$$'s.
So I think making the estimate a little more reasonable would be a positive thing for BB.
I honestly can't see the problem here. At least not with BB or the game. The ones having problems (without any disrespect!) only have problems with themselves.
BB has designed the expansion with an estimate, and that estimate is an estimate. About everyone who expanded some seats knows that, or learned that it is not correct.
It is to the managers to take into account that it is that way. Even if it took 4 times the estimate (which is most certainly doesn't)
I'm not sure about this, but I think I may very well be the manager with the most expansions behind his name. Once an expansion is finished, I start the next one. Always small ones estimated 6 or 7 days.
Given the info I have from all these expansions I think 1.2 times the estimate is a prety good average.
So I won't say it can't take 2 times the estimate, but I am sure this is no common practice!!
Ofcourse the times the estimate is correct, or close to correct, nobody will write about it in the forums, so all forumreaders see is the exceptional high time it takes.
In the end it realy doesn't matter. Plan ahead, act ahead, and you won't need to worry anymore.
I have my expansionplanning ready for the next two seasons (ending mid season 10) with some breathing space in between, I won't worry a single second about my expansions.
Long term planning and freeing up budget are key things here. Good managership includes these skills. ;)
Anyone losing $$$ just brought it upon himself by starting the expansion to late.
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.