Why does it seem that every time you lose you blame the game engine, and say it has problems?.
ever heard a fisherman tell you he didn't catch much and it's probably his own mistake?
Guess not, it's always net-fishers, or others who take all the fish and never release anything so the water is almost empty, or the fish would not strike at all...
Never will they even consider they did something wrong, used the wrong color(s), wrong spot or time, wrong techniques, no, they never doubt about their own expertise...
Sounds familiar, no?
regards from the single-fisher-in-the-world who openly says that if he didn't catch any, he did something wrong, not other, not the fish, but himself, because there is always a way to get them to strike, one simply needs to find that way.
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.