Secondary trainings don't require an increase in salary and are not capped so hard by potential,so if you stop the primary training before players hit the cap,they can train secondaries skills for a very long time
It sounds strange for me. Has anyone similar experience as Steve? I thought that once the player is capped all trainings are much slower (and many secondary training are very slow even before the cap due to low or high height).
The potential cap is based on skills sum,but obviously the skills has a different weight for different roles.5 level in Js for a player listed as C has a different impact of 5 level in JS for a player listed as G..The salary formula should indicate the skills that have an higher impact on skills sum for reaching the potential cap,so if you stop training before you hit the cap for a role,the increase in secondary skills has a minimal to zero impact on potential cap.
So,if a player is not totally capped,and players with 9(high decimals)-10-11 potential often not reach the cap for salary problems,you can train him in secondaries virtually till the end of his BB life