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Transfer Compare

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34098.50 in reply to 34098.49
Date: 6/3/2008 7:56:05 AM
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My post was not in direct response to you in particular, and I was certainly not trying to single you out. I apologize if you took it as an attack.

I see your point, one you voiced very clearly. I agree with most of it.

However, I think that having a price range is very good to inhibit people from selling, say, a 150k player for 650k. And people do rush into the transfer market and pay ridiculous prices for mediocre players. Maybe not the first million dollar baby, but I'd be willing to bet that there are more than a few that spent 650k on a player similar to the one referred to earlier in the post with their first splash of significance in the transfer market.

My point was basically that people seem to be expecting a feature that tells you an
exact price based on all of their player's skills and attributes. And that people are complaining about a feature that has such a small smaple size to begin with, which is neither right nor fair.

Finally, an experienced player does not need this feature and should be able to take the information as just another tool in their decision-making belt. Newer players, less savvy players, and players with less time to spend on the site should be able to get a lot of help from it.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
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34098.51 in reply to 34098.50
Date: 6/3/2008 8:15:56 AM
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dont worry no offence - i give it out a lot on the forums so I have to be thick skinned to take it back!

I agree with your points however I dont think everyone realises how little activity there has been in the transfer market relative to the activity we saw a couple of months back... there are very few top end players changing hands, training speeds are slowing and people seem to be preparing to keep the nucleus of their squad together as a) they get to know them better b) become more attached or c) cant sell (like me) because of previous trading history.

In order for the market to pick up we need to see another big increase in managers - if we stay at this level for a while then its probably wisest to stick with the team you have as no-one wants to take the risk of not replacing one of their better players. A further dry up in the market and continuing slowdown in training speed may result in this seasons draft picks being the only viable players to keep improving.

I have a feeling draft picks are then going to become even more important next season...and so on....

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34098.53 in reply to 34098.18
Date: 6/3/2008 9:56:33 AM
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It shows that they don't only look at the main skill otherwise they would not say my player is probably better.

they can easely compare the wages to see if they are better or not...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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34098.54 in reply to 34098.53
Date: 6/3/2008 10:21:37 AM
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I don't think that a player's wage is directly proportional to a player's skill. A player with one "marvelous" attribute may have a much higher salary than a player with 5 "strong" attributes but not be anywhere near as good a player.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
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34098.55 in reply to 34098.54
Date: 6/3/2008 12:44:13 PM
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nope.... i saw a player with 17 in free throws (phenomenal) and he had his wage only 3.7k !!

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34098.56 in reply to 34098.55
Date: 6/3/2008 1:53:38 PM
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LOL.... it is accurate to me! xD

'Transfer Price Estimate: There have been 23 recent transfers of 27-28 year old point guards with respectable outside defense and any potential. Of these, the ones with skills most similar to Antonio Lima have been selling for around $ 1 000 to $ 1 000. '

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34098.57 in reply to 34098.55
Date: 6/3/2008 3:31:39 PM
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My opinion: ft shooting is probably considered as a secundary, meaning less influence ingame AND for wage.

Climbing the BB-mountain. Destination: the top.
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34098.58 in reply to 34098.57
Date: 6/8/2008 7:57:02 AM
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Just wanted to post a little info regarding my watching of the TPE since its inception. Last week one of my player's had the transfer estimate blurb that read- "... so-an-so is probably better than all 114 of these players but the average has been between $ 100 000 and $ 1 800 000."

This week he popped in OS from strong to proficient, and his transfer estimate changed to this: " There have been 62 recent transfers of 21-22 year old small forwards with proficient jump shot and allstar potential. Of these, the ones with skills most similar to so-and-so have been selling for around $ 500 000 to $ 2 350 000.

The number of similar players dropped in half and his transfer price estimate improved $ 500 000 with one pop. However, prospective buyers can no longer be lured with the "...probably better than all of these..." report. I'm not sure if I'm happy or not.

I'm going to be training him in a secondary skill for a while, so when it pops I'll try to remember to report if a secondary or tertiary skill increase matters to his TPE.

Last edited by somdetsfinest at 6/8/2008 8:01:29 AM

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
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34098.59 in reply to 34098.58
Date: 6/9/2008 4:00:50 PM
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TPE was developed to help new users get a rough idea of how much a player would/could be worth.

Users who are around for longer, and seek for a new talent in their team will for sure pay more money for extra secondaries, no matter what the TPE says.

This is my personal opinion, and no truth, so don't nail me on this, but I am positive that when users buy players who mainly got their primary skill, without much secondaries, they will look at the TPE, but when the player has a lot of secondaries, this will very likely cause bidding wars and TPE will not so much be looked at...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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34098.60 in reply to 34098.59
Date: 6/10/2008 2:44:30 AM
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I think that is probably true and good advice, even if it is only an opinion!

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.