Just to prove a point I went motion tonight. See: (25684272). Big surprise, my SF leads the way in scoring. He also picks up 5 assists. And actually, looking at the match-ups this seems like an off night for him on this occasion. You may also be surprised to know that his jump shot is not that high. And his jump range surely would not meet your requirements.
In any case, we probably will never agree on what a motion does, mostly because you insist that run and gun SFs are the cat's meow.
Often happens that the SF is the main focus of motion.But that's not the point.The point is to understand how R&G and motion distirbute the shots
Motion has more flexibility about the choice of the focus of the attack,as also your game says.You and your adversary have very diferent distributions of the shots,using the same tactic,because you have different strenghts and weaknesses
With R&G,no matter what are your abilities,the focus is almost ever on the same roles
This fact gives you advantages and disadvantages.If you have your strenghts in the positions that R&G distribution "likes" the most,it gives you strong advantages toward motion,because R&G have a more selective focus,but if you find a team that can fight your PG-SG and SF,motion give you a possibility to go beyond this obstacle.
It's a choice depending on the characteristics of your team
P.S. about IS-JR choice for the training of an outside SF,I think depends a lot if those 3 levels in IS instead of JR really give him flexibility on offensive field.If you have a 15-9-7(JS-JR-IS) and you decide to give him 3 levels in Is (15-9-10),you don't raise so much his versatility on offensive field,because the adversary defences could don't worry so much about a 10 in IS( because they have an inside SF),and your player would not have a so realtively strong primary attack
If your player is 15-9-10,giving him the 3 levels in IS raise a lot his offensive flexibility because 13 in IS is a value that the adversary defence can't undervalue,so you give him much more doubts on defensive choices,and you can use it as a great advantage
Last edited by Steve Karenn at 9/4/2010 11:19:37 AM