i have to go to work, so i didn't read all posts. (btw. i like reading and my profession requires reading complex and very long texts all day long, but please people, maybe you could try to format and structure your responses a little. It would help)
I think there is a bit of truth behind the idea that training is getting slower, but from a subjective point of view. even if the training speed for every skill stayed the same, the time you spent training your trainees in slow training areas has increased.
At the beginning of BB A-Skill monsters were trump. we had monoskilled (rebounding) C and shootfirst guards. these skills train very fast and you don't need much SB, Passing, Handling etc. if you play Run and Gun all the time.
at some point the game changed (i think OD got stronger) and so did the theory of training. from season 10-25 1on1 training was the way to go. it also trains very fast and gives you popups constantly. and still. JR and SB weren't important.
around season 20 and even more with the recent changed of JR and SB. multiskillers became mainstream. recently the idea of trainees that only train a few skills to the maximum (f.e. OD, SB, PA, ID) evolved. we know, that training guys off position and in these mentioned skills takes longer than training the builds we trained at the beginning of BB.
the training speed for a specific skill didn't change, but the focus turned from fast-trained skills to slow-trained skills. That is why I think it can be said, that training subjectivly got slower.
I personally do not think that the training speed should be changed. instead the training speed malus for not-original-training-positions should be smaller and the 10-15% decrease should be added to crosstraining. i think i explained this more in detail in another thread.
Last edited by jonte at 3/4/2015 4:12:58 AM