Off-season processing is finishing up and we are we are so excited to see how you do in the new BuzzerBeater Madness tournaments.But first we have a special report from the BuzzerBeater player development department. They report that across the board and from all countries, 18 and 19 year old players have been coming into the leagues smarter, more athletic and better prepared than ever before. This accompanied by increased film study sessions with your trainers has determined that they many need less minutes of game time to get the full benefit of weekly training.Going forward 18 and 19 year old players will only need 40 game minutes per week to receive a full training. Happy Training!Details for the new worldwide tournament are already up in the Game Manual, but I want to give you a quick overview. All non-B3 teams are divided into tiers based on your world rank to start the season. Each tier (of about 1000 teams) will have their own tournament with prizes worth dollars (check the game manual for prize breakdown). This season we have 14 BBM tiers.To help us quickly identify the top teams the 7 round qualifier stage will be matched up in a Swiss tournament system (winners play winners). The top 64 teams will then form a single elimination knockout stage.These matches played are purely for players to perform their best. Minutes do not count toward training or game shape and players will not sustain lasting injuries. Players can gain experience and you can gain world-wide fame!These tournament games are played worldwide on Wednesdays. The start time for your games might be at a very different time than your normal. Please pay attention and set your lineups early. Also, (Just like in B3) if you make it to the knockout stage only players on your roster when the knockout rounds start will be eligible to play.Many of you, including myself, are very excited for the BuzzerBeater App. We recommend you follow us on social media as BB-Justin will be starting to share screen shots and screen recordings of the app progress.We are also pleased to announce our first dual-citizenship draftees have arrived. Just a reminder these players will have full benefits of both flags they carry.And an extra bonus for all of you who read to the end, in this upcoming season we are considering making additional changes to training, the draft and free throws. Plan accordingly. If it is right for your team you may want to invest more in the draft. These changes will mostly be minor, and you may see us testing free throw adjustments during scrimmages and private leagues.
Ik ben zelf ook een korte tijd LA geweest en ik denk dat een BC meer werk heeft en jammergenoeg geen beloning krijgt. De eer daarentegen is natuurlijk ook wat waard.