Because the reward over 6th place is enough.
Like it was shown earlier, 1/3 of 6th place finishers relegate. 0% of 5th place finishers relegate.
5th place finishers get 1 less game for training. 6th place finishers have a 33% chance of losing the majority of their income for an entire season (or more if they do not advance for a while).
1 less game vs 33% chance of losing a LOT of income.
Which would you pick?
1/3 of the 6th place team loose the relegation, thats different from getting relegated. And when Charles mention that team on the spot 7 are sure about their relegation and could prepare for it(why not fighting against place 8 or 6?), their are also benefits for team who prepare themself for place 6 even when they could be better placed(and normally they have much higher winning prohability then 66%).
It stays the different in the last season seaosn in the survey, personally i believed that the difference was pretty small and i believe i make nearly everything possible till now^^ But a small percentage on a regular basis through 11 home games, could also make a difference even when it is hard to see.
Last edited by CrazyEye at 3/12/2010 12:20:04 PM