As I said to Sensiman I confused some of your posts. That's obviously my fault.
Thing is, there's a skill division employed here that sees inside and outside separated. Building off of this, and off of newly introduced one position training options, I'd say no penalty for inside skills should occur for PF position, and likewise no penalty for one pos training for PG/SG where there is a penalty now. Two position regimens stay the same. Obviously, SF is a soft spot. I'd argue for a 90% effectiveness of all one position training schemes irrespective of the inside/outside.
Some stuff makes no sense after the change. For example, someone in the help threads asked what is 1v1 for SG/SF modelled after. It not clear whether it would be 90% of PG/SG or 90% SF/PF, but even then it's kind of obvious that a 90% for SG/SF does not make much sense since you can train at 100% at either SG or SF positions.
Your idea seems to be slightly less radical than removing positional requirements altogether. Marin has already increased the percentages in the past, maybe he'll do some more. I think it's a valid proposal and I'm pretty sure that people who want to raise those percentages to 100% across the board (effectively removing the out of position requirement) would like that.
At the same time I also agree with those who say that the training page currently is not very clear and probably daunting for someone approaching training for the first time. If the long term plan is rewarding people who train, as it has been stated several times, then at the very least the training page could do with some reshaping or a proper thorough guide so that anyone approaching it can understand it.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 7/9/2015 11:32:52 AM