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BB USA > Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

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From: Xarn

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88540.52 in reply to 88540.51
Date: 5/17/2009 9:40:14 PM
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My enthusiasm is at 9.

I'm going to assume that his is at 5 because he's played normal in every match as far as I can tell.

I beat him at his place TIE vs his normal a few weeks ago. Now we're at home.

I appreciate your approach that a lot of it is about "feel" I guess that's what I'm trying to gain here. What is the inherent risk of PON vs POCT? How much is the ME gonna hurt me in, for example, rebounding by being on the lower level.

From: Azariah

To: Xarn
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88540.53 in reply to 88540.52
Date: 5/17/2009 10:06:14 PM
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My estimate has always been that 1 level of effort = 5 levels of enthusiasm = HCA. Not sure how accurate that is, but that's what I work with. So from that perspective, PON should be a lock, given that you've picked up HCA compared to the last win.

From: brian

To: Xarn
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88540.54 in reply to 88540.52
Date: 5/17/2009 10:19:31 PM
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Was this the TIE v Normal? If so, you were the home team. 12 pts isnt a huge margin for such an important game, though you should be fine if you do PON.

In theory, if they put more effort in (POCT vs your PON), its takes away the HCA.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Xarn

This Post:
88540.55 in reply to 88540.54
Date: 5/17/2009 11:02:51 PM
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You're right. I was the home team. I beat them by 10 when I was on the road but that was a PIN v PIN.

So general consensus is that my enthusiasm vs their POCT is a wash and it comes down to talent?

Maybe I should POCT and worry about Rd 2.

Last edited by Xarn at 5/17/2009 11:03:33 PM

From: brian

To: Coco
This Post:
88540.57 in reply to 88540.56
Date: 5/18/2009 8:20:22 AM
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having considered all the risks I'd probably PON anyway.

yeah, and he can be certain this guy will run motion and 3-2 zone cause he hasn't logged in since 4-24.

prob better to go 1-3-1 zone knowing that.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Xarn

This Post:
88540.58 in reply to 88540.57
Date: 5/18/2009 10:30:49 AM
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Doesn't the 1-3-1 Zone kill my rebounding?

From: brian

To: Xarn
This Post:
88540.59 in reply to 88540.58
Date: 5/18/2009 10:38:49 AM
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It will lower your rebounding and inside def a little more from a 3-2 zone, but it will also kill his outside attack.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Xarn

This Post:
88540.60 in reply to 88540.59
Date: 5/18/2009 10:45:17 AM
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Okay. So I understood the pro's and con's properly. That's encouraging.

Looking at his team, however. I don't see that I can afford to sacrifice rebounding in favor of outside defense, given his inside scoring strength as well. I'm hoping to maintain my edge by leaning on his outside scoring a little, to take away his strongest sector and by controling the glass.

Is this philosophy correct?

From: brian

To: Xarn
This Post:
88540.61 in reply to 88540.60
Date: 5/18/2009 10:57:56 AM
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Okay. So I understood the pro's and con's properly. That's encouraging.

The only reason I wouldn't play 1-3-1 is if it wasn't certain he'd be going outside.

I don't see that I can afford to sacrifice rebounding in favor of outside defense, given his inside scoring strength as well.

Based on your last meeting, im not seeing his inside scoring as being an issue. Though, he did hit 8 of 27 from three so a 1-3-1 would have likely done better at lowering that.

take away his strongest sector and by controling the glass.

3-2 will still give up rebounding from M2M though. You're still giving up the inside def and rebouding a little, for a little more OD. I'd rather give up a few extra offensive rebounds for a lower shooting percentage.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Xarn

This Post:
88540.62 in reply to 88540.61
Date: 5/19/2009 10:17:04 PM
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Thanks for the great advice.

We pulled out the win. It looked grimm at half time. Slight 1 pt lead but we were getting crushed on the boards.
