Community isn't divided at all despite your attempt to make it seem that way. We may debate each other from time to time, and we are all trying to find a way to get the NT over the hump, but we aren't divided. You think you're the only one who has debated Coco? We all debate each other and disagree all of the time, its part of the process, but you seem unable to debate him cordially.
I've seen nothing but progress in the last several seasons, you and others might try to spin that progress as failure, but anyone who has been following the NT understands the process and can see through your spin. The reason for our progress is because of the great work of Coco, wozz, Rambo, magiker, and the hundreds of offsite members and trainers. Its sad because you used to be a productive contributor, but now instead of giving your opinion and debating like everyone else you have chosen instead to be immature. Despite this, I hope one day you will be a contributor again, because we all want the NT to succeed. We have work to do in order to win Gold and I look forward to helping Coco work towards that goal.