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Training Bug

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183403.54 in reply to 183403.53
Date: 4/29/2011 11:13:08 AM
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Damn, I changed my training from JR for wings to HD for guards after seeing the "training completed" message. Didn't realize the pops were from last week as I had been on vacation around then..
Now in addition to training HD instead the JR training I had planned, my trainees' SF minutes go to waste and my scrubs get the training minutes at PG instead..
I thought I read somewhere there was a system where the scheduled updates would not go through before the server double-checked that training had run as intended. Maybe in the future you guys could move the "training completed" message to after that double check.(

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
183403.55 in reply to 183403.54
Date: 4/29/2011 12:00:34 PM
BC Kobakäpp
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BC Nisanäpp
For me the weekly schedule looks something like this-

NT games (only if server is working)

League games ( will happen only if NT games are successfully finished by now)

BBB games ( if we are lucky and servers didnt crash last evening during league games- those shall be played)

Cup games (if last weeks cupgames are finished and somehow new games are generated- around 65-70% chance for that, the odds are`nt that bad, ehh?)


Training (but dont count on it.... may happen in next couple of weeks....)

Second league game of the week (ATTENTION!!!! Will only happen if servers somehow managed to get through the exhausting week so far)

What the hell are you doing in BB on sunday???? Get a life, spend time with your family and friends too lol

This Post:
183403.56 in reply to 183403.55
Date: 4/29/2011 12:03:43 PM
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I think you exagerated a little bit, but I agree on Sundays, with exception if you are buying players, are just want to post something on forums.

From: Kukoc

This Post:
183403.57 in reply to 183403.51
Date: 4/29/2011 12:44:46 PM
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It seems it has been restarted and now it will be fixed in country ID order.

What's the chance of this training update running in country order giving my opponent updated GS vs no update for my team, when the below mentioned game started. Lithuania being nr20 and Estonia nr41 country.

This Post:
183403.59 in reply to 183403.58
Date: 4/29/2011 9:13:59 PM
BC Kobakäpp
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Second Team:
BC Nisanäpp
Bad luck??? Let me exxplain it to you in very simple way- if you go to a store to buy a beer, would you accept it if the cashier offers you a half a bottle because the servers in the beerfactory didnt work properly? All supporters here are paying customers and why the hell would we havto accept a half a bottle for the full price?

What i just cant understand why the BBs keep adding new silly features when the main thing doesnt work as it should? I do understand that those things make the game more fun and maybe attractive but they should be added after the games, training and TL is working smoothly.

Its just my humble opinion....

This Post:
183403.61 in reply to 183403.59
Date: 4/29/2011 10:54:57 PM
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It's a small team. The people adding new features aren't always the same people that fix bugs, nor would you want them to be. That's why you see new features when others are still broken. As well, if you waited for this game to be bug free, we'd still be using the Pre season 3 game engine, players wouldn't have Potentials, no new tactics...

I'm much happier with hiccups that I can plan around and new features than an indeterminate amount of time to wait until *anything* new happens because a couple bugs that aren't mission critical aren't fixed.

From: Naker Virus

To: RiP
This Post:
183403.62 in reply to 183403.60
Date: 4/30/2011 3:11:34 AM
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All supporters here are paying customers

Supporters... As in, one who supports the game. The whole idea behind being a supporter is to help pay for the game and to keep it running. You don't buy a beer at some store because you're supporting a beer company. That would imply you're giving money to them in order for them to succeed, but in reality you're just doing it because you want a beer. Moral of the story... if you're paying for supporter for any other reason than to try and help the game grow you need to reconsider what you're doing.

The BBs are doing the best they can.

I disagree, I know a lot of teams that buy supporter for the features that are given. I'm not saying these people do not want to support the game, they do, but that isn't the main reason they buy supporter.
To make my point clearer, if there were no additional feature for being a supporter then BB would receive a very small amount of money from people buying supporters. The primary reason most people buy supporter is the additional features.

This Post:
183403.63 in reply to 183403.62
Date: 4/30/2011 4:04:32 AM
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Please Naker, you should not take the liberty of speaking for others, what's that ? You don't even say why you are a supporter yourself.

I pay to support the game. I can afford it. It's a tiny little help as a passive participation. If the game wasn't 100% playable for free, if supporters had game advantages over free members, I wouldn't give a cent. I like it the way it is.
Additional features, they are nice, they certainly are incentives. But if I didn't want to support the game, I could easily do without banners, flags and even PL games. And a lot of people do without them and seem to enjoy the game.

Those who behave like customers because they are supporters have sadly missed the point.

It is not an excuse for the latest problems on the site. Some of the critics are legitimate. But it is not a justification for some of the childish and disrepectful conduct you often see here. I will stop now because I could easily go overboard.

This Post:
183403.64 in reply to 183403.59
Date: 4/30/2011 4:19:23 AM
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But in this store, the beer is free and the store has a clientele of thousands. While you were arguing with the shopowner over your half emptied beer bottle, a supahot french babe was looking at you in disbelief, you looked so cute at first, she went outside and I picked her up with the joke that two half bottles of beer made one full bottle for two. You won't get laid tonight.

I am king of silly analogies, you have started it, you lost, no big deal ;)
