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From: dhoff

This Post:
1442.55 in reply to 1442.53
Date: 10/5/2007 1:07:07 AM
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I'm just glad that I don't see my A+ guy on your list. :)

This Post:
1442.56 in reply to 1442.48
Date: 10/5/2007 1:44:55 AM
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For the players that I have got no scouting information on I put after my 4 star players as I have a 3/5 chance they will be 3 or above

Your 3/5 chance assumes that the players are equally distributed between 1-5. Is this what is actually observed in reality?

If they use an even distribution formula to determine a players skill then it will be similar to a random calculation.

Think about flipping a coin 1000 times, even though there might be not exactly 500 heads and 500 tails overall the difference is very likely to be small. Natural distribution of odds. ,)

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
From: raonne

This Post:
1442.57 in reply to 1442.56
Date: 10/5/2007 4:40:01 AM
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well, I got 14 level 2's to go against that theory.

But anyway, I also use "5,4,-,3,2,1" as you, but my reason is not mathematical but practical: levels lower then 4 have no place in my team, so I rather risk with even a 1% chance than taking a 3.

Edited 10/5/2007 4:43:57 AM by GM-Raonne

From: LA-Niko

This Post:
1442.58 in reply to 1442.57
Date: 10/5/2007 9:25:58 AM
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well it is dependant on they use weighted random or not

by the looks of mine there is a balanced between 5s,4s,3s,2s
9 - 5s
9 - 4s
12 - 3s
9 - 2s
2 -1s
7 - unknowns

Because there is a low number in the sample the balance will not necessarily be visible.

Mathematically odds with current knowledge of the generation system (which is nothing except some sort of random) gives a 3/5 chance they will be 3stars or more.

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
From: raonne

This Post:
1442.59 in reply to 1442.58
Date: 10/5/2007 2:35:46 PM
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if from 5 til 2 is balanced then I might have a great chance of my random ones being 3 or higher, sine i alreayd got 14 2's.

Does eveybody have a very small quantity of 1s?

From: Vikman

This Post:
1442.60 in reply to 1442.59
Date: 10/5/2007 7:07:48 PM
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I is my breakdown:

Granted I do have a good amount of unknowns.

This Post:
1442.61 in reply to 1442.60
Date: 10/5/2007 11:01:03 PM
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I invested $10000 last week (only been playing a week), and I got the following:

7 x 5's
8 x 4's
5 x 3's
3 x 2's
1 x 1

And a huuuge list (23) of -'s! But that's ok, I'd say that's pretty generous for one weeks investment.

Of the above ratings, 5 had grades. 2 A's, 1 B-, 1 C+ and 1 C-.

This Post:
1442.62 in reply to 1442.61
Date: 10/6/2007 12:29:08 AM
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That seems like a lot of info for one week.

This Post:
1442.63 in reply to 1442.62
Date: 10/6/2007 1:31:50 AM
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That seems like a lot of info for one week.

I agree. Especially for only 10K.......
could the prior owners investments carried over??? If there was a prior owner?

This Post:
1442.64 in reply to 1442.63
Date: 10/6/2007 2:34:01 AM
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It must have, even if it wasn't supposed to. Some options I can think of:

1. The prior owners points carried over (i was told this didn't happen)
2. The scouting works very differently from what we understand in terms of distribution through the various levels.
3. The scouting is somehow wrong?

This Post:
1442.65 in reply to 1442.64
Date: 10/6/2007 3:09:39 AM
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that is not the only explanation.

The other is that bots teams invest on scouting $10000/w. Something like this I expect is the answer.

Just an inkling because the number of players shown is 24 (8x3 i.e. the number of league games played) + 5 extras from somewhere else... not sure but there are weeks (i think just 1) were teams only get 1 league game.

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.