that's not the point im making. the point is show me a 2-3 zone defensive man under 15k$, there is none.. another great point is none know what they looking at beyond a few mangers on BB.
I feel some just want to protect lI and lp they don't want a game were all can be successful in the market selling/ creating differ players. The utopia is nothing but a Li tournament, same as for B3.. same as league games., also national cup.. its getting pretty stale and un fun if you ask me.
Nothing wrong with helping team create tactics by giving them % of how strong the player is in it. That not saying what you need out right, it not a sure win either. It just creates data to create more BB tactics, let people see what they buying..
for example
player 1 motion player. player 2 good in 2-3 zone.. That's not giving anyone a win, Its just help mangers see and collect data to create a better player for tactics, build team better. All data building need a helping hand. None can just do it out the top of the head every time.
Last edited by Mr. Glass at 3/14/2015 11:05:37 PM