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278844.56 in reply to 278844.55
Date: 12/20/2020 1:52:54 AM
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Planned downtime - Monday 5th of October

Server maintenance is planned for Monday morning so the server will be taken offline for less than an hour (if everything goes as planned). The exact time is still unknown but it is planned for between 10AM and 1PM CET. Note that most early NT matches have been postponed, as will be the transfers.

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/10/1 下午 11:52:12

Planned downtime -postponed from Monday to Friday 9th of October

We are postponing today's (Monday) maintenance to Friday afternoon (between 12PM and 16PM CET). Thank you!

發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/10/5 下午 09:43:18

Last edited by little Guest at 12/20/2020 1:53:56 AM

This Post:
278844.57 in reply to 278844.56
Date: 3/27/2021 4:47:15 AM
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歡迎來到賽季 52: 生命(三分球?)之樹


上一季與 BB-Marin的問與答已經發布,我們希望這帖子能可以為您,以及全Buzzerbeater社區的玩家,帶來更多不同種類的說明及解答。(307591.1)

新的遊戲引擎終於到來!我們尚未在所有比賽中使用它,但於下星期六(12月26日)就會在所有比賽中使用! 我們已經在上季成功測試新引擎,它將會為我們比賽世界帶來新平衡,外線! 3分雨!

第51季的比賽結果也出爐了,由drama7率領的Sant Mateu繼30季前再次成為全球冠軍!由老梅執教的普陀大鲨鱼在決賽被擊敗,比分為92-78,似乎5人上場大名單對7人大名單有很大的不確定性。


賽季51的B3競猜第一名是來自日本的キャプテン, 而第二名來自西班牙的iavitxu, 第三名是來自塞爾維亞的玩家alen。我們希望優勝者們能開心享用免費的支持者包裹!



發佈者: BB-Marin 2020/12/20 上午 02:50:36

Welcome to Season 52: The Three of Life

Right to one of the points hinted in the title: the BuzzerBeater Biology Research Department determined that due to medical advancements basketball, players are getting more resilient to aging effects. This is an important finding, and has been reflected by upping the age of skill deterioration by one. In the future, we might see it being raised even more…

The Q&A with BB-Marin we announced last season has now been posted here. We hope the answers will shed more light on a broad range of inquiries and issues that you, our users, have been wondering about.(307591.1)

The new game engine upgrade is upon us! We have not implemented it yet for all matches but starting next Saturday, it will be so. It was successfully tested last season and we believe it will bring balance to our BB world making those outside shots, especially Threes, rain!

We are happy to announce that the last season’s BuzzerBeater’s Best winner was Sant Mateu, managed by drama7. It is the second time that drama7 has taken the BB throne, as he did for the first time 30 seasons ago. 普陀大鲨鱼 managed by 老梅 tried a bold approach in the final game fielding only 5 players. This proved to be too big a risk as the game ended 92-78 for the 7 player roster.

This tendency towards using very short rosters is becoming more and more of a concern in BB and steps will be taken to address this starting next season. The implementation of secondary staff and arena infrastructure made stamina retention and training much easier, which had a direct effect on match tactics, which should be addressed. One approach is to make stamina a less linear and more exponential effect on player performance in matches, and a bigger factor when deciding whether a player can even endure the full 48 minutes per match, as suggested in the Q&A. It does make sense because a physical game like basketball should take more of a toll on players over time and endurance will become more of a factor as the minutes stack up. There might be other, additional measures implemented too.

The B3 prediction contest winners are manager キャプテン from Japan, followed by iavitxu from Spain, and in third place alen from Serbia. Congratulations to all of them! Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, and we know they will enjoy them!

Italy U21 coached by Davide_12 won U21 World Championships of season 51. They beat the Israel U21 national team coached by Ido. Italy U21 had a great game opening, winning the first quarter by quite a margin and managed to defend the lead until the end 83-69. This season the National Team Championship is hosted in Israel. Who are this seasons senior NT favorites? You'll have to tune in to find out.

Best of luck in the new season!

Posted by: BB-Marin 12/20/2020 2:50:36 AM

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278844.58 in reply to 278844.57
Date: 7/3/2021 8:14:28 AM
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賽季53 - Buzzerbeater的全新章節

各位Buzzerbeater的玩家好! 很高興與大家介紹我(BB-Dr J)及BB-Justin給您。我們對於成為Buzzerbeater團隊的一份子和準備為Buzzerbeater寫下新一章感到非常興奮!

首先我們想分享Buzzerbeater App的情況。BB-Marin已盡全力尋找可以接受如此大製作的開發團隊,而(我們想對大家坦承...)結果未能如願。BB-Justin 現時已接手製作,他正領導內部開發工作,而我們相信App是能夠順利完成的。各位可在特設的論壇帖子(308837.1)了解開發進程,您們也可在那裡分享對App的一切意見,因為您們的意見才能令App的功能成為最佳。







賽季52的B3總冠軍是augus領導的Goldsons,他們在決賽以99-87擊倒由Misagh帶領的Venomous Scorpions。

賽季52的B3競猜是由捷克的Bohy98奪得冠軍,而第二名則分別是來自土耳其的Ernesto、來自菲律賓的next tycoon以及 tobio。恭喜您們得到免費的支持者包裹!



發佈者: BB-Dr J 2021/3/26 上午 04:01:40

This Post:
278844.59 in reply to 278844.58
Date: 7/3/2021 8:15:11 AM
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Season 53 - The Next Chapter in Buzzerbeater

Hey there Buzzerbeater world! I am excited to Introduce myself (BB-Dr J) and BB-Justin. We are excited to be part of the Buzzerbeater team and to bring on the next chapter of Buzzerbeater success!

First we wanted to talk to you all about the Buzzerbeater App. BB-Marin has worked diligently to find a development team that could take on this big project and (because we want to be honest with you) They have up to now all been unsuccessful. BB-Justin is now going to take on this project and lead the development of the Buzzerbeater App internally, that way we know it is going to get done and get done right. We have created a special forum (308837.1) to give updates on our progress and discuss any ideas you may have for the mobile app. We need your help to make the app the best that it can be.

Second we know the website needs to be updated and hasn’t been the most reliable. There was a server upgrade that happened right before offseason processing and offseason processing was able to run faster and smoother than ever before. We expect that this will translate to increase site reliability going forward. Along with building the app we are going to be working on an updated website. We have created an additional forum specifically to discuss the website upgrade and modernization. There we will go through the website page by page and gather all your feedback.

Addressing these two areas is going to be a huge factor in future success for Buzzerbeater.

The Last area that we will be addressing over time is game upgrades. As you know there has not been a significant change in Buzzerbeater world for many seasons. Which actually is a positive indicator as to how good the game was set up but we know there is room for improvement. We have spent time reviewing your suggestions in the forums and, along with our own ideas, have potential upgrades and changes that could be made to every aspect of the game. So we have set up a new thread in the suggestions forum to find out what you don’t want to change. We want to know from all of you whether you are a long-time loyal players that has played for multiple years to a new player that is just getting started.

"What is your favorite part of Buzzerbeater or the core part of Buzzerbeater that has you coming back, excited to keep playing.”

This will help us know were to put our focus when it come to making changes. We both are long time players of Buzzerbeater and both quit playing for a period of time and then came back. We see a bright future for Buzzerbeater and greatly appreciate your participation with us as we move forward. (308844.1)

Also as announced, as part of our efforts to counter very short rosters, players will tire more easily during matches. Stamina will drain faster, especially with very high minutes. The change has been tested and is already implemented, so the effects should be visible with the first matches of the season. We will consider pushing the threshold even further next season.

To recap season 52, our latest BuzzerBeater's Best Champion is the Goldsons (managed by augus). They took down the Venomous Scorpions (managed by Misagh) 87-99.

The winner for the B3 prediction contest was Bohy98 (Česká Rep.), and tied for 2nd place we had Ernesto (Türkiye), next tycoon (Pilipinas), and tobio (Pilipinas). Free Supporter has already been awarded to them, congratulations!

China (coached by 老梅) is once again the World Champion after taking down the Nederlands (coached by Jeründerbar) 67-108. The U21 World Championship will be taking place in Latvija this season.

Posted by: BB-Dr J 3/26/2021 4:01:40 AM

Last edited by little Guest at 7/3/2021 8:18:03 AM

This Post:
278844.60 in reply to 278844.59
Date: 7/3/2021 8:43:13 AM
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我們非常感激收到的回饋、訊息、論壇帖子以及鼓勵! 我們十分喜愛您們的建議,亦感受到大家對Buzzerbeater未來的期待。


1. 本季結束時到來的烏托邦新秀將會擁有雙重國籍。他們的國籍將會隨機分配予Buzzerbeater中的任何一個國家。故此,所有國家在烏托邦中被分配的球員數量是每季不同的。當然,這些新秀亦擁有原來的烏托邦國籍,所以他們在商品等有關國籍影響的收入是沒有改變的。烏托邦新秀球員頁面將會顯示兩款國旗。

2. 我們會讓更多的被解僱球員進入轉會市場。(我們會調整薪酬及技能點限制好讓更多球員符合資格)

3. 支持者玩家將會獲得新功能, 現在他們不會因為連續6星期不上線而被接管球隊。

4. (最好的保留到最後) 從下賽季起,所有Buzzerbeater的球隊將會參與全新的全球杯賽! 這杯賽於每週三進行,並不會計算在訓練時間中。 我們現時仍然在努力設定細節,希望盡快能向大家公布詳細內容。


發佈者: BB-Dr J 2021/4/23 上午 06:50:46

Release Notes (309152.2)

Welcome to the mid-way point of season 53!

We appreciate the feedback, messages, forum posts and encouragement that we have received. We love your ideas and your enthusiasm toward the future of BuzzerBeater.

We are excited to announce some changes:

1. New Utopia draftees will now have dual citizenship. Utopia players' first nationality will be randomly assigned from each of the countries in BuzzerBeater. The number of draftees from each country is random and varies season by season. Utopia draftees will also be from Utopia and have the same impact on merchandise, etc. as Utopia players previously. These players will have both flags.

2. We are increasing the number of fired players that will go to the transfer list. (We adjusted the salary and skill point requirements to have more players qualify)

3. As a New supporter feature, Supporters will now have protection from the 6 Week Inactivity Rule: Preventing their team from going 'Bot.'

4. (Saving the best for last) Starting next season all BuzzerBeater teams will be taking part in a new series of worldwide tournaments! These games will take place on Wednesdays and they will not count toward training minutes. We are still working out the details and will announce more in the future.

Good luck to your team in the second half of the season!

Posted by: BB-Dr J 4/23/2021 6:50:46 AM

Release Notes (309152.2)

This Post:
278844.61 in reply to 278844.60
Date: 10/9/2021 2:37:46 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
賽季 54! – 瘋狂星期三來啦!





比賽將會在星期三全球進行,開賽時間或會與平常的比賽時間有所不同。請多加注意,提早設定陣容。還有,若你打進淘汰賽階段,上陣球員必須要在淘汰賽前已在陣中 (如B3比賽一樣)。

相信很多人,包括我都很期盼著Buzzerbeater App。建議各位追蹤我們的社交媒體,BB-Justin將與大家分享開發進度,包括螢幕截圖及錄影。


由augus a.k.a. "King of Motion"所帶領的Goldsons重現了勝利方程式,擊敗了由slamdunk9領軍的Venomous Vicious Vipers,拿下了賽季53的B3冠軍盃賽優勝,比數為115-98。

另外由Davide_12執教的Italia U21驚險地在窒息式防守戰中擊敗了GForce03帶領的United States U21,贏得了U21世界錦標賽的二連霸,比數為72-67。


以下是感謝大家閱讀到這兒的獎賞! 我們在這賽季起會加入更多與訓練、選秀及罰球的改變。我們會確保有更詳細的變更說明好讓各位能有所準備。這些改變大多輕微,在私人聯賽及友誼賽上您或許會看見遊戲引擎對罰球的改變。

發佈者: BB-Dr J 2021/6/29 上午 05:06:11

Season 54! – The Madness is here!

Off-season processing is finishing up and we are we are so excited to see how you do in the new BuzzerBeater Madness tournaments.

Details for the new worldwide tournament are already up in the Game Manual, but I want to give you a quick overview. All non-B3 teams are divided into tiers based on your world rank to start the season. Each tier (of about 1000 teams) will have their own tournament with prizes worth dollars (check the game manual for prize breakdown). This season we have 14 BBM tiers.

To help us quickly identify the top teams the 7 round qualifier stage will be matched up in a Swiss tournament system (winners play winners). The top 64 teams will then form a single elimination knockout stage.

These matches played are purely for players to perform their best. Minutes do not count toward training or game shape and players will not sustain lasting injuries. Players can gain experience and you can gain world-wide fame!

These tournament games are played worldwide on Wednesdays. The start time for your games might be at a very different time than your normal. Please pay attention and set your lineups early. Also, (Just like in B3) if you make it to the knockout stage only players on your roster when the knockout rounds start will be eligible to play in those games.

Many of you, including myself, are very excited for the BuzzerBeater App. We recommend you follow us on social media as BB-Justin will be starting to share screen shots and screen recordings of the app progress.

We are also pleased to announce our first dual-citizenship draftees have arrived. Just a reminder these players will have full benefits of both flags they carry.

Goldsons repeated as Season 53 B3 Champion (managed by augus aka "King of Motion") defeating Venomous Vicious Vipers (managed by slamdunk9) 115-98

And Italia U21 (managed by Davide_12) won their second U21 World Championship in a row narrowly defeating the United States U21 (managed by GForce03) in a tight defensive battle, 72-67

Our B3 prediction contest winners were first place: harunşimşek (Türkiye) and second place (tie): Lobster (Ukraina) & sei (Hong Kong).

And an extra bonus for all of you who read to the end, in this upcoming season(s) we are considering making small tweaks to training, the draft and free throws. We will be sure to announce these changes in advance so you can plan accordingly. These changes will mostly be minor, and you may see us testing free throw adjustments during scrimmages and private leagues.

Posted by: BB-Dr J 6/29/2021 5:06:11 AM

This Post:
278844.62 in reply to 278844.61
Date: 10/9/2021 2:40:12 AM
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第54季 - 中場消息 (選秀及罰球的更新)

第一屆瘋狂星期三杯賽的淘汰階段將會在明天開始! 若您的球隊是參與淘汰賽的64隊之一,請注意能參與淘汰賽的球員名單已截止。任何現時才加入球隊的球員是不能參與BBM淘汰賽的。


此外,仍有一些有關選秀的更新。在下一季開始(即下周出現的第54季新秀沒有更改),您將會發現新秀將更有實力,而19歲的新秀將有能力提升,他們的能力有機會達到強大 (9)!




發佈者: BB-Dr J 2021/8/24 下午 11:07:24

Season 54 - Mid-Season Update (Draft & Free Throw updates)

The knockout stage for the First BBM tournament starts tomorrow! And just a reminder if your team is part of the 64 team knockout stage your roster has already been set. Any players you add to your team for the rest of the season are not eligible for the BBM knockout games.

Our Buzzerbeater Player Development Research Department has been doing some research and is very excited with this coming group of draftees and future draftees. These draftees are better prepared than ever before for the training needed to become star players for your team. Because of this, training requirements are changing. Starting next season training for 18 and 19 year old's will only require 45 minutes to receive full training.

Also there will be some slight changes to future draft classes. This will start next season, the draftees that came out this week for season 54 are not changed. It will be slightly easier to find draftees that will be more valuable and 19 year old draftees will have a slight increase in their skill levels, some might even have skill levels in the proficient range!

In seasons going forward you can expect to continue to see small tweaks in the draft and training. We will always do our best to let you know changes ahead of time so you can plan accordingly.

And as announced previously we have been testing an update to Free Throws which will be implemented next season. This will make free throw percentages more realistic and also having Jump Shot and Jump Range become a small part of the equation.

In the forums and on Social Media we have been posting about the progress BB-Justin is making on the App. Soon we will be looking for Beta testers and we want all of you to help us make this app amazing!

Posted by: BB-Dr J 8/24/2021 11:07:24 PM

This Post:
278844.63 in reply to 278844.62
Date: 11/5/2022 8:43:42 AM
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賽季55 - 更真實 更刺激!

我們先說說最重要的改變吧: 18及19歲的球員只需每周累積45分鐘上陣時間便可達成完整訓練。球隊將更容易讓年輕球員取得足夠時間訓練同時保持競爭力。

於下季到來的19歲新秀球員,能力將有機會達到強大 (9)!這次提升將加強新秀的質素,亦提升了您投資選秀點的回報。




B3杯賽由陈硕良帶領的''Galacticos'' 快马巨鞭贏得,而Sahand執教的I Love Tehran則未能在緊湊的決賽中奪取第5個B3冠軍獎杯,上半場雙方旗鼓相當,但快马巨鞭在下半場證明他們是較佳的一方,決賽最終比數為97-85。

B3競猜優勝者是little Guest!他將會取得一年的免費支持者!第二及第三名分別為arrowspg5及Buzzo Torto。恭喜您們!享受您的獎勵!



發佈者: BB-Marin 2021/10/9 上午 05:40:08

Season 55 - Improved realism and competitiveness!

Let's start with the most important change: 18 and 19 year old's will only require 45 minutes to receive full training. This will make it easier for teams to give full weekly training to their trainees while remaining competitive.

The 19 year old draftees will, starting this, next, generation, have their top skill limit raised to proficient! More exiting 19 year old draftees should translate into an improved drafting pool and overall more value gained from investing in your draft points.

On another note, more realistic free throw percentages are now implemented in all match types. As announced, Jump Shot and Jump Range skills will also have an effect on free throws.

The app development is progressing steadily and BB-Justin will keep everyone in the loop with the latest developments as they happen, either via our forum, news posts or social media.

We have crowned our new World Champions: Israel! In a exciting final, which saw Spain (managed by cesar79) control the first two quarters, Israel (managed by Bill_tipesh) tied it just before half time. Third and fourth quarters saw Israel take over and close out the match 90-80.

The B3 crown was taken by 'Galacticos' 快马巨鞭 , managed by 陈硕良, by taking down I Love Tehran, managed by Sahand, who was unable to clinch it for the fifth time. It was a close matchup 97-85, but 快马巨鞭 showed they were the stronger team in the second half after an evenly matched first half.

The B3 predictions contest saw little Guest take the one year of free Supporter reward, followed by arrowspg5 in second and Buzzo Torto in third. Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your rewards!

As has been frequently discussed for several seasons, we would like to limit the effectiveness of short rosters, used by many teams across BuzzerBeater. We will be looking into tweaks to player stamina effects on late game performance and possibly an age based increased probability of injury for players playing full matches, where older players will be affected more, while draftees won't feel the change at all. We will be testing these changes during the season, and will be seeking your feedback on what the best solution will be.

Enjoy our new season and good luck!

Posted by: BB-Marin 10/9/2021 5:40:08 AM

This Post:
278844.64 in reply to 278844.63
Date: 11/5/2022 8:46:28 AM
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發佈者: BB-Justin 2021/11/28 上午 12:39:30

Black Friday Subscription Deals

During this whole week, ending on 4th of December, we are giving out our newly added subscriptions with incredible discounts!

Check them out on the Supporter page: managers buying one year Supporter and Utopia subscriptions for the first time get 25% off, while first time buyers of three months Supporter subscriptions get the incredible discount of 50% off!

All other managers get 10% and 25% respectively for these subscription deals (one year and 3 months purchases) during the discount period.

After 4th of December, subscriptions will still be offered at somewhat lower prices than regular purchases, but not nearly as enticing as they are now, so hurry and take advantage of these limited time offers!

* Discounts are only available for auto-renewing subscriptions. One time purchases will still be at regular price.

Posted by: BB-Justin 11/28/2021 12:39:30 AM

This Post:
278844.65 in reply to 278844.64
Date: 11/5/2022 8:50:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:



很多領隊或已了解到B3冠軍已把規模擴大一倍! 而比賽模式將與瘋狂星期三杯賽一樣:
- 中立場地比賽
- 瑞士式比賽抽籤(共有7輪比賽)
- 128隊參賽 (最佳64隊進入淘汰賽)
- 參賽資格不變
- 我們會以世界排名 (杯賽、頂級聯賽、B3及瘋狂星期三頂級比賽)以填滿餘下席位

BB應用程式即將來臨,我們將會在試用版完成時徵求玩家。現時的螢幕截圖可於 這裡 閱讀,若有更新,我們會立刻與大家分享。/images/appScreens01.png

第55季的BB冠軍杯賽由capali執教的durma yolcu!勝出,這是繼第19季再次由土耳其球隊取得此最高榮譽。究竟他對封阻能力的喜愛會否令其他玩家動心? 他的球隊在決賽主宰,以99-87贏下由Bill_tipesh統領的Ramat-Gan Billers。

第55季的B3競猜優勝者是:來自台灣的黑血球! 而第二名是土耳其的capali(是前述的同一位!)以及希臘的The Aussie。免費的支持者功能已送到他們手上,恭喜!



發佈者: BB-Marin 2022/1/15 上午 01:06:20

Welcome to Season 56!

During the offseason, the BB coaches have attended several seminars on the less used and under-performing match tactics. This means that some of the tactics are now going to become better choices than they were. The coaches agree that this could greatly benefit the variety of options used across all levels in BB, giving new life to some ignored or forgotten tactics in both offense and defense.

Our player exhaustion implementation is nearing the end of it’s testing phase. We’ve decided to drop the exhaustion related injuries and just focus on reducing player performance after the exhaustion prerequisites are reached and it triggers, which should happen much more often than before. You can test and preview the new changes in action in Private League matches starting today, with implementation for all matches planned for the AllStar break.

As most of the managers already know, our B3 competition has been doubled in size! On top of that, B3 is adopting a similar format to BBM:
- Neutral site games
- Swiss weekly draw (7 rounds)
- 128 teams (64 team bracket)
- Same qualification requirements as the current B3
- Remaining spots to reach 128 teams are filled using World Rank from the pool of Cup, D.I, B3, and BBM T.1 runner ups.

The BB app is coming along nicely, once we have an alpha to test, we will give out a call for testers. All the currently released screenshots are available here. We will be releasing more screenshots as they become available. /images/appScreens01.png

Season 55 B3 tournament was won by durma yolcu!, managed by capali, which is the second time a Turkish manager got the highest honors of BB since season 19. We wonder if his newfound love for shot blocking changes other managers’ lack of love for it. His team controlled the match and won the final game 99 - 87 over Ramat-Gan Billers of Bill_tipesh.

Season 55 B3 prediction contest winners are, in ranking order: 黑血球 from Taiwan at the top, followed by capali (again!) from Turkey and The Aussie from Greece, sharing second place. Free Supporter packages have been already awarded to the winners, congratulations!

The U21 World Championship was won by Spain, led by kikeflori over Lietuva, coached by YaMaYo. The close match ended 92-104. This season’s senior National Team championships will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

May Lady Luck tip her scales towards you, our friends!

Posted by: BB-Marin 1/15/2022 1:06:20 AM

Last edited by little Guest at 11/5/2022 9:10:40 AM

This Post:
278844.66 in reply to 278844.65
Date: 11/5/2022 8:55:22 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

持續監察BuzzerBeater內的各種戰術的效能及平衡是我們一直的目標。由即時開始 (賽季56),我們已對下列戰術作出 輕微改良:

- 普通進攻
- 內線單打
- 外線單打
- 2名外線- 3名內線的聯防
- 1盯人(內)+4聯防
- 1盯人(外)+4聯防

我們會持續分析數據,以尋求令球賽引擎平衡。您可以在論壇中加入我們的討論: 戰術分析報告 (313248.1)

發佈者: BB-Justin 2022/1/17 下午 06:42:07

Offensive/Defensive Tactic Improvements Summary

Our goal is to continually monitor the balance and performance of offensive and defensive tactics in BuzzerBeater. Starting now, in Season 56, we have made minor improvements to the following tactics:

- Base Offense
- Inside Isolation
- Outside Isolation

- 2-3 Zone
- Inside Box and One
- Outside Box and One

We know that more balance changes will still be needed going forward and will continually be analyzing the data. Join us in the forums for discussions on this topic: Tactics Report (313248.1)

Posted by: BB-Justin 1/17/2022 6:42:07 PM
