"With the 12th overall pick in the Season 23 IV.29 Draft, the Mountain Eagles select..............Robert Cooke, NC State." "Well this was a surprise" said a fan right after Kent Blue of Michigan went off just before the Mountain Eagles were on the clock. Coach Steven Wilson and staff had to hurry up and get their next best player before the 90 seconds were up. "Whothe hell do we pick? We don't have no one. Just get the guy with the last name Cooke." "Y'all sure he's worth it? GM tough is gonna be furious if we don't draft someone good." "Trust me," replied the scout, "He's a real deal. So then they selected Robert Cooke. "Cooke has a lot of upside to him despite his low potential" said GM tough. "He has the Inside game. Can play outside game as well. No major holes anywhere except in his Jump Shooting (which we were already planning on improving on Rufus Cash) so Cooke will fit perfectly into our training plan. He's a good draftee that has the potential to do something big once he fixes his outside shooting." Here is Robert: "Glad to be on this kind of team. Even though they're in rebuilding mode, might as well hitch-hike on for the ride and help make the team better."
"Now time to hit the Free Agent market. Time to get the next USA star we could either get or flip. This season will be dedicated to improving our young players. By the time season 24 comes in, we will be ready to take the big step and get over the hump. Let's go and do the best we can this season." From OKC, this is Derek Alston, reporting for The Eagle.
3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!