All the veterans, please explain to me more in depth or from your experience what does CrunchTime do against TIE?
I know it's more of a mystery land and only BB's can say what it does in code, but I want to hear your opinions, experinces, maybe facts:)
So, I lost my firs two matches of the season this week. I'm not complaining on these losses and take it pretty easy since training is my priority right now. Both games were TIE vs CT, away and home:
(13395924)(13395931)As I understand (read it somethere) that CT won't affect visible ratings? Boxscore does not correspond to raitings at all (rebounds, assists etc.). By the raitings there should be no question about the winner and this seems to have some point.One side thought I got: maybe I overrate ratings then making my tactical options mainly by them?
What you think CT will boost mostly? In these games my oponents got 43 and 30 FTs! Which means I commited lot's of shooting fouls (also because of the 4th quarter fouling tactic, but still it's too much). Does CT or TIE make my players foul more?
So, what you think, does CT give boost in every possible category and basically it stays hidden in the code i.e. not shown in raitings?