You guys emhasize this 18yo thing. Is there really so much difference between a 18 and 19yo player?
(it is my first draft)
It depends what exactly do you want to do with your players - mainly, how much training will you put into them. I will give you one example though.
Last season I drafted my leading PG who had four Respectables (OD, PA, HA and DR). His shooting was not good (Mediocre in JS and Pitiful in JR). He was a $4.500 allstar at that time. At the beginning of this season, he looks like this:
JS: Strong
JR: Awful
OD: Prominent
PA: Strong
HA: Proficient
DR: Proficient
He had 12 or 13 pops in one season with lvl 4 trainer and two position training (two pops were from ID and FT).
The thing is, I shaped him like I want to. Few weeks before drafting him, I bought a good PF and C (well, good for my league) and played Look inside my whole season, so I didn't need a shooting PG; I needed a good defender and assistman. Think of it as Rondo without rebounding and inside shot
Now, imagine I would train him on one position and with lvl 5 or 6 trainer. He would get at least 2-3 more pops. Now compare him to any 19yo from any draft. Can you find anyone better?
You can probably find a 19yo hall of famer with 5-6 respectable skills, but what are the odds? And what if you are looking for a SG, you get one, and he has a respectable skill in Shot blocking, while Passing is awful? (Happened last season too to me).
So if you are sure you will get a good pick (or even two good picks) and sell it right away, maybe you should make a 1st pick 18yo and 2nd pick 19yo. That 19yo should of course be better than all other 18yo in your draft, save for the first pick.
But if you are going to train these fellas, 18yo is definitely the way to go.
Oh, and one more "con" for drafting 19yo: Do you know how many scouting points it takes to check out Star rating and Potential of all 18yo and 19yo? Maybe you will get lucky and find that 19yo right away...or maybe you will spend 40 scouting points and still won't be satistfied.
If you get a mediocre 18yo with good potential (all-star and up), you can at least train him for one season and then sell him. I can guarantuee you that with proper training, almost no 19yo who comes from draft will match him.
Last edited by Koperboy at 12/1/2010 7:24:54 AM