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BB USA > USA NT News Thread

USA NT News Thread (thread closed)

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From: Ray C.

This Post:
77079.57 in reply to 77079.56
Date: 7/18/2009 9:42:00 PM
Connecticut Cresleys
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I am trying to build a team. I am not interested in being an incubator for bigger clubs. As for not training him, that is categorically false. I had a lvl 1 trainer, which did zilch. Since I changed trainers (to a lvl 4) three weeks ago, my players started popping. Diehl is finally starting to respond to the training given to him at SF. However, it would be easier if you had a singular option on training, instead of being buried as part of something else, making SF a virtual step-child.

Right now, my team is being built around 3 players: Henry, McCurdy and Diehl. When I draft next season, I will be drafting for need, since I have around 100K to my teams' name, I cannot buy big guns or upgrade my arena. So, I play with the cards dealt to me. I am sorry if people don't understand that.

From: Dawson

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77079.58 in reply to 77079.57
Date: 7/19/2009 12:12:42 AM
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Perhaps you could use a mentor Ray? I think what they are saying is that your player was worth a lot of money as a fresh 18 yo trainee. At 19, he isn't worth nearly as much. You could have sold the player, upgraded your arena, and bought a slightly older but more developed player to fill the same role. Then you would be in a better situation now and could concentrate on just training a couple of players (or a singlular position).

From: Ray C.

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77079.59 in reply to 77079.58
Date: 7/19/2009 10:10:00 AM
Connecticut Cresleys
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I do not think I am eligible for a mentor at this point. This is my third season in BB. My intentions was to sell Alex Henry, and go crazy on Diehl. But, when I put him out there, nobody bought. So, what can I do? I am playing with the hand I was dealt. I feel bad about Diehl being behind, but the way the system is, what choice do I have?

From: Rambo

This Post:
77079.60 in reply to 77079.59
Date: 7/19/2009 2:28:09 PM
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Anyone can have a mentor and receive advice. You just have to be willing to accept if not agree with other peoples opinions and suggestions.

From: Ray C.

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77079.61 in reply to 77079.60
Date: 7/19/2009 5:37:24 PM
Connecticut Cresleys
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I understood that a mentor can only be provided if you are in your first 90 days? If that is not the case, I can use all the help I can get. I'd like to play in NBBA by 2011.

From: Rambo

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77079.62 in reply to 77079.61
Date: 7/19/2009 5:59:05 PM
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Nah. Most people are willing to help and answer any questions regardless of how long you've been here and who you are.



From: brian

This Post:
77079.63 in reply to 77079.57
Date: 7/19/2009 9:35:38 PM
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I am trying to build a team. I am not interested in being an incubator for bigger clubs.

I wouldnt have been so pointed if you didnt come in here calling out NT managers for not having your player on the NT team.

I'm only interested in Diehl for the US NT, as he could have potentially been one of the best players the US, and maybe BB, could have ever seen based on his age and skillset.

More then willing to help if you need some advice and mentoring, just let me know.

Last edited by brian at 7/19/2009 9:35:55 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
77079.64 in reply to 77079.61
Date: 7/20/2009 12:22:15 PM
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I understood that a mentor can only be provided if you are in your first 90 days? If that is not the case, I can use all the help I can get. I'd like to play in NBBA by 2011.

Anyone can be mentored at any time.

Hell, I still learn new things.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: dhoff

To: Coco
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77079.66 in reply to 77079.65
Date: 7/20/2009 7:43:13 PM
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That he learns new things? Or that he learns at all? ;)
