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Suggestions > Minor suggestions 3

Minor suggestions 3 (thread closed)

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273519.570 in reply to 273519.569
Date: 10/15/2017 7:26:14 AM
Social Security Kings
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Medicare Kings
Early in the season, when you haven't played that hated rival, the fan survey gives you an "n/a", but it is obviously included in the average rating you get from the fans. All my ratings are 3 1/2 to 5, yet my overall fan satisfaction rating is just 3, and it's affecting my attendance. When there is an "n/a" still on the page it should count as 5 stars, not 0.

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273519.572 in reply to 273519.571
Date: 10/17/2017 4:23:43 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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What's the impact of changing the automatic logout after a period of "inactivity"? If it's not too much trouble it would really prevent big frustrations. I was just typing an elaborate suggestion, took me 20+ minutes and when I hit send message I get logged out and can't retrieve my message. Happens with longer PM's too.

I know there's a workaround by opening a new tab, logging in again and then send the message in the first tab, but if you forget it before you hit send you're still screwed. Maybe a pop confirmation when you try to communicate with BB while you are logged out would help, there's more possible solutions to this.

Last edited by Jeründerbar at 10/17/2017 5:27:40 AM

This Post:
273519.574 in reply to 273519.573
Date: 10/17/2017 6:42:33 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I understand that there need to be ways to generate money for BB, but I really think it's not right to do so with features that increase general ease of use like this, and for example searching the forums. I think it's better to generate money by offering cosmetical changes and faster ways to progress in the game (without providing a competitive advantage over others, just paying to get to a specific point quicker).

Maybe that would a good suggestion too, implement micro transactions to generate money. For example, pay to complete the construction of your arena right away. That doesn't provide an absolute advantage over others, and helps with progressing faster.

We could even go further, and enabling paying for training pops, of course for a limited amount of times and within the limits of potential and player market. If someone pays to train a player faster, he wouldn't get an absolute advantage over others and it's something people would pay for I think. It would require some more thorough thinking, but it would be a nicer way to generate money than on ease of use features.

Last edited by Jeründerbar at 10/17/2017 6:51:31 AM

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273519.575 in reply to 273519.574
Date: 10/17/2017 8:10:06 AM
Great Fires
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Great Fires Academy
Please, no! Micro transactions it's the worst system and about paying for pops will convert the game in a pay-to-win, even if you limit the amount, two-three pops at big levels it's the difference between win and loose. If you consider that logout has to be all teams maybe I agree but Supporter features never has to be a pay-to-win and never has to include micro transactions.

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273519.576 in reply to 273519.575
Date: 10/17/2017 8:16:47 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I agree pay-to-win should be avoided, but I think having the option to play for free and take longer to get to a specific point, or pay to get there faster is a fair and attractive way to generate money, as long as in the end you get to the same point. I don't think paying for pops makes BB pay-to-win; new managers already face the same challenge versus established managers as it is. Currently, you need to stay for the long haul in order to win, and with paying for pops you still need to stay for the long haul to win. In the end paying doesn't give an absolute advantage, you just get there quicker so it's worthwhile for those that seek instant gratification, and the free to pay users can benefit from the improvements made with the money from the paying players.

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273519.577 in reply to 273519.576
Date: 10/17/2017 8:26:52 AM
Great Fires
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Great Fires Academy
But at very high potential, hall of famer or all-time great, potential with difficult to cover them, two pops at 20 years old can make that they reach a great level at the end of his training than the other that no pays. Or at U21 games, not the same that all players at your U21 pays to learn faster than teams that no paid for that. At the end can be similar but at the U21 competition it would be a great difference.

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273519.578 in reply to 273519.577
Date: 10/17/2017 8:33:34 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Good points, those are indeed negative effects. Maybe it could be negated by excluding players that have paid pops from the U21, and only enabling it for Superstar or less potential (those that reach their cap easily anyway).

I was just thinking out loud how money could be generated by being able to pay to speed things up without getting an advantage, instead of asking money for ease of use functionality that should be a given for a website. Don't you think it's strange to have to pay for things as a search function and being able to stay logged in??

Last edited by Jeründerbar at 10/17/2017 8:35:51 AM

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273519.579 in reply to 273519.578
Date: 10/17/2017 8:47:25 AM
Great Fires
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Great Fires Academy
Well, I think that they offer the basics to play and if you want advanced options to make the game faster, prettier they sell you a premium pack. Is nothing that affect the gameplay of the users but make easier to search at transferlist, make your team prettier with jersey numbers and nicknames and team logos and other features that helps the managers. I think that something of this features could be free but they have to sell his premium pack.

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273519.580 in reply to 273519.579
Date: 10/17/2017 9:02:49 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I think there's a difference in view on "advanced options". I would say any search function (forum, transfer market) and any other ease of use option is not advanced, it is mandatory. Not having these options is detrimental to the user experience. I think premiums should only be paid for functionality like cosmetics and speed of progress, like in most succesful "Freemium" games/apps.
